Friday, October 26, 2012


Oh, my goodness.  I was looking through my pictures and realized I never did post about our last Happy Scrapper’s Bee. That Bee is so much fun I don’t know how I could forget.  Probably because for the past two weeks I’ve been concentrating on making those 260 Tea Leaves that I started at the Bee.  Above is what Adrienne is working on.  I love her bright colors in this strip quilt.
These women look intent on working on their projects.  Don’t let this photo fool you.  There was a lot of frivolity going on too.
This is A Graceful Winter by Denise Sheehan and will be a new block of the month at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Call the shop for details.
Isn’t this the cutest!  Paula made this Halloween pillowcase during the Bee.  I don't know if this is a kit or not, but I do know that the Attic Window Quilt Shop has kits available for darling pillow cases.

You’ll want to spend some time here as there are lots of free patterns.  Check out Patch Play Quilting.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I love hat strip quilt! Gonna be bright and beautiful. The main pillowcase fabric is darling!

  2. I missed a good time! I still only have the tea leaves I got done that day done.....

  3. How lovely to see all these happy quilters stitching away.
