Monday, October 29, 2012


It’s Modern Monday Quilt Along and this is block #55 called, (duh) Hearts!  Since I love appliqué, this block was a whiz for me.    Hop over and see Lynn’s block for this week.  Then come back and see all of the blocks I have so far for this quilt.
Here is the block on top of the stack of blocks I have made for this quilt.  Jennifer said, “Hearts are the best shape in the world to learn how to applique! They have outer curves, a deep inner curve, straight lines and a point - almost everything you need to learn in one shape!”  So if you’d like to practice your appliqué, you can find the pattern on Jennifer’s blog.  While there, you can also see what block she has up for us this week.
Here are all my blocks together to give me a shot of how this quilt might look when finished.  I think there will be some sashing between the blocks and I haven’t decided on a border.  I may start putting it together and not wait to have all of the 64 blocks in it as I’m making this for my grandson and thought it would be a nice Christmas gift.  I’m not sure if I can make that goal however.

A new class has been added to the calendar.  Feeling Groovy, a table runner, a bed runner, or a wallhanging, class will take place at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this Thursday, Nov. 1 from 10-3.  You can see a picture of the quilt on a post here.  If you are interested, give the shop a call to register and get a supply list.

On Another Note:  It’s that time of year again when we start thinking snow and Christmas and the holidays.  I thought this Plain Jane tutorial for a Snowman Mug Rug might be just the thing to get you in the mood.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Lovely to see all the blocks together. Lots of possibilities to play with these. They look great together like this.

  2. Your blocks are looking great. You are doing a wonderful job on them. But then, you do a wonderful job on all of your projects.

  3. Looks really great, Caroll! The top is going to be amazing!
