Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I’ve been working on Christmas gifts this week.  I made two sets for my great granddaughters.  The pattern is called Church Dolls and includes instructions for making 3 ½” dolls, tri-fold carrying pouch, fabric notebook and blanket.  It is by Down Memory Lane.
This is a close up of all of them.  On the website it says, “A child’s difficult task of sitting still during an endless sermon is eased by a small cloth bundle in Mom’s purse.” 
This is a close up of one set of dolls all tucked into their little carrying pouch. 
And this is the pouch all closed up, ready to be tucked into a pocket or Mom’s purse.  I got this pattern several years ago and made them for almost all the kids in the neighborhood (even the three boys next door asked for some).  I was so glad that I kept the pattern because my great grandchildren are growing up and would like something like this.  The pattern calls for a church on the front, but I decided it best to put the girl's initial.  Maybe save on the spats.

On Another Note: Check out these free patterns at Jillily Studio.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. How cute, and what a great idea! Better than carrying lego's and model cars, lol.

  2. These are darling Caroll! They be great for restaurants too if there is a long wait.

  3. Delightful Dolls! Will you be teaching a class on those? It would be a good one!

  4. Those are sooooo adorable!! My daughter is 9 and she has a big smile on her face, too!


  5. Oh, Caroll....those are just plain adorable! I love them! The kids will love them, too. Well done, my friend.
