Tuesday, December 4, 2012


In October I posted about sewing scraps of fabric to a dryer sheet.  You can read about it here.  Anyway, a reader and friend wrote and asked why I was using dryer sheets and asked if that sheet wouldn’t ball up after numerous washings. 

Well, she had me thinking.  I don’t know why I chose to use dryer sheets.  I think it was because an award winning quilter at the Grand Rapids Quilt Guild used them on a very large quilt.  In the past I’ve just sewn scraps together without using a foundation.  I think it was my frugal nature that got me to making good use of those used dryer sheets.  Besides, not only did the wonderful aroma of those dryer sheets waft through the air, but sewing the scraps to these sheets gave me kind of a Zen experience.
So, before I got too far into this project (I had already made dozens of these rectangles and had the finished design planned in my head) I thought I better do a test.   I took one of my finished rectangles, added batting and backing, did some straight line quilting and attached the binding.  Then I threw it in the washing machine.  Again, and again, and again.  This is how it looked after five washings.
 This is a close up of the test piece.  I don’t see any bumps or feel anything that would make me think that the dryer sheet was coming apart.  I like how it looks and intend to make some more.  However, I would like to hear from anyone who has had experience using these dryer sheets in a larger quilt and how you feel it has held up over time.

On Another Note
At this time of year I can’t find too many of these cute little gift card holders.  Delilah’s Momma has a nice tutorial for a cute one.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. What a clever idea...and I think that the quilting in this is what kept it from balling up. Just my thought on it.

  2. I agree with Barb, I think the quilting would hold it all together. You must use the good dryer sheets, lol - mine are the cheapies from Aldi and they are so thin! I really like your mug rugs!

  3. This may be a silly question, but did you use a new dryer sheet or one that had already been through the dryer? I'm assuming new?

  4. I love that you took it upon yourself to do this test. Thanks a lot for sharing the info with us!

  5. Yes, thanks, Carol. Especially testing it on something like a mug rug that would naturally need lots of washings.

  6. Thank you for the information and your experimenting. Good information here. Love your mats and the scrappy look. It looks like everything held up very well.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
