Monday, December 3, 2012


It is Modern Monday Quilt Along time.  This is Block #59, Sunshine Star.  Jennifer said that it is really a Sawtooth Star block that she renamed.  I really don’t see that is it all that wonky and thought about not doing it.  There just seemed to be too much precise piecing for me.  Then I remembered why I joined this group – so I could improve my piecing skills, and decided to make the block.  I rather like how it turned out.  I bet if I had tried to make such a precise block I wouldn’t have been able to do it.  Go figure. 

The last time I talked to Lynn she didn’t know if she would have time to do these last blocks this month and may just wait until the end and do them all at once.  Hop on over to Alamosa Quilter and see what she is up to today.  Then go see what Jennifer has up for us today.

On Another Note:  Have you been to visit Ahhh Quilting?  I love her blog and if you click on the tab “free patterns” you will see some really cute quilts.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. That's funny, Caroll - no, it doesn't look wonky, it looks great. I hate piecing and when I don't even bother to try to match it up, I usually do better! Amazing how that works, lol. Good job!

  2. I think your block looks fabulous! I wasn't able to get mine done and have decided to wait and do the last few all at once. I've just got too much Christmas and class sample sewing to do right now. In addition, this is the last week of class and Finals Week is next week. I've got grades to finish up and numerous emails of "what do I need to make on the Final to get an X in the class?" to answer.

  3. I love this block! I'm not thinking it's all that wonky either, but I love it! Well done!

  4. You always have such fun stuff...I should join you in these blocks because I am a terrible piecer.
