Friday, January 18, 2013


I thought I'd show you a few things that I've been working on this week.  Above is my first Scrappy Trip Around the World.  This is only four blocks and I'll add more.  They are fun to make, almost like seeing a mystery unfold.  I can't remember where I first saw this pattern or who wrote about it.  A lot of quilters have been blogging about it.  You can find the pattern  on Quiltville.
I’ve been cutting fabric for Terry’s Treasures 2013 Wiggly Whimsy Sew-Along.  As you can see the Charm pack I'm using is Happy by Moda.
I'm still hand sewing my Tea Leaves.  Remember I posted about them over a month ago when I posted about the Happy Scrappers Bee.  I like to have hand sewing to do when I'm watching TV.
 This table runner has been on the frame since before Christmas.  I took the large quilt that I had planned on quilting off the frame and put on this smaller item because I didn't want a large item taking up space when I just knew I'd have so many other things to quilt for the holidays.  Yeah, right.  Yesterday I finally got around to quilting this.  I admit that I procrastinated because I really didn't know how I should quilt it.  I finally made a decision and dove in.
I have been auditioning fabrics for this Modern Monday Quilt.  The 64 blocks are completed, and I really do need to get this together for my grandson.  Okay, I admit, I have a hard time making decisions.
And I've been cutting....doing lots of cutting.  Remember Ruth's quilt that I blogged about here?  I think I have most of the cutting done...well, not really.  I still have the red centers to cut (113 of those) and the sashings and corner stones, but I was thinking that since I'm not going to make a huge quilt like Ruth did, I should just make a couple blocks to see how things look.  Anyway, I'm sick of cutting.  You are probably thinking that she (me) is also a little scattered, unfocused.  Well, you might be right.  I get bored easily.  Still, you can't say I'm not getting anything done.  Remember how we were told as children to break those big chores into small chunks?  I'm just doing that.  I'm chunking! 

On Another Note:  I Heart Linen has a tutorial for a Crazy Star Quilt Block.  Check it out.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. I like the fabric you chose for the quilt along! I really need to get my background fabric cut. Maybe today...maybe tomorrow. February is fast approaching! LOL

  2. I work in chunks too. Looks like we are in the same boat - making progress on several things but finishing nothing.

  3. Yes, I am chunky, too. ;-) I love that dark gray you are working with for the background on your Monday quilt.

    I haven't touched my tea leaves. It's not because I don't like the project. I just have other things that are higher priority right now!

    I love your scrappy trip around the world. Very, very cool.
