Thursday, January 17, 2013


Today I want to show you the rest of the goings on at The Happy Scrappers when they met last Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.    Stephanie (of Peas In A Pod) showed us this darling wall hanging that she made.  I think this is what she referred to here  where she talked about her project that was in the Emag. 

Here is a closer look.  What a clever idea to use the pleated fabrics on the ornaments. I love this piece and think it is so cleverly done.  What a talented lady!
Above is Janalee showing us her Mageyes.  I figure whatever works to help you get the stitches you want.  I love these Mageyes.
Rosa is back from her Christmas vacation and busy working on her paper pieced focus squares with this darling fabric that I posted about here.
Stephanie, Adrienne and Peggy try to figure out some things on the computer.
Judy made this lovely Huswif.  I’m so sorry I didn’t get a picture of Judy.  Isn’t this a lovely piece!
Above Peggy, Paula, and Janalee work away.
Here is Adrienne pressing her beautiful string pieced bright squares.
This is a close up of Adrienne’s blocks.  This quilt is going to be stunning!
Adrienne was also working on this lovely piece.  She said that she made the blocks on New Year’s Day.  She explained that the Merry Mayhem’s had a mystery quilt-a-thon that day.  This quilt is called A Modern Twist.  Adrienne said that the day before the New Year, you get fabric details and cutting instructions.  Then, on New Year’s Day you make your quilt. The sewing starts at 10 a.m. with the first instructions.  Then, every hour on the hour until 4 p.m. you get instructions for the next step.  Adrienne said she had all her blocks finished that day and Saturday she was busy putting the blocks together.  What a fun way to spend New Year’s Day!

On Another Note:  MMM Crafts has a tutorial for a four leaf pillow cover with piping.  Check it out.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. What a fun group! I talked with my LQS owner about starting some bees at our shop. She is game. We'll see how it goes.

  2. You always do such a good job taking photos. Thanks for your kind words. How did I miss that Huswife? It's gorgeous!
