Wednesday, June 5, 2013


The above block is one of the small Sampler 2013 blocks that Judy R. made and showed us Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  I took a picture as I didn’t get mine finished and did not like the one we were supposed to make.  Judy said she felt like me….way too many small pieces, and made this instead.  I think I’ll be doing the same.

OOOOPS!  A friend and fellow quilter sent me an email correcting my mistake in Monday’s Post.  Julie said that the mystery block was an assigned block made from “mystery” leftover fabrics of our choosing.  (We have plenty of left over fabric as Chris always puts more than enough in our kits). 

Julie also said that the charm squares that were distributed are for a surprise technique that Chris is going to show us next month after we have stitched the opposing sides.

Gads, I am such a flake and so glad that Julie set me straight.  I was so confused.  I know Julie debated about telling me this, and I’m so glad she did.  I could just hug her.  As she said to me, now I have an opportunity to get the “mystery” block done before next month’s meeting.  Thank you Julie!  You saved me!

THANK YOU!  Not only do I want to thank Julie for her thoughtful words but I’d also like to thank all of my readers.  So many of you have commented on the blog and in person, telling me how much you like the blog.  You don’t know how much that means to me.  This is a dream come true.  I’m a former newspaper reporter and have always dreamed of having my own column.  I feel that I have that in this blog.  I love all of you and hope you will do as Julie did and feel free to help me correct my mistakes and/or tell me what you would like to see/read. 

ON ANOTHER NOTE: Quarter Inch Mark has a nice tutorial for an hourglass block without marking.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, Caroll, and I'm so glad it's here. Without it, we would not have met, and you made me feel so welcome to Michigan through it! ;-)

    Good luck getting your block done. I love the way you are not afraid to change it up if you don't like the block!
