Thursday, June 27, 2013


This is a continuation of last month’s tutorial on machine applique that Chris is presenting to the Whimsical Garden BOM group at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  If you need to catch up, you can read the previous post which includes the beginning of this tutorial here

 Last month Chris showed us how to trace a pattern onto the rough side of Wonder Under fusible web using a Sharpie permanent pen.   Next you need to prepare your fabric.  If you are using a lighter fabric, you might get a shadow effect when turning under your edge or when placing a darker fabric beneath it, and you will need to face your fabric will Pellon Shape Flex Woven interfacing.  (see picture above)
Next Chris has roughly cut her pattern from the Pellon 805 Wonder Under paperbacked fusible web. 
Then she irons her roughly cut pattern to her fabric.  Not all of your fabrics will need to be interfaced.  I do not interface darker fabrics that do not allow shadowing.
Then she cuts out the design just inside the dark Sharpie pen line. Above she cuts the yellow top of the flower.  Since it is made with lighter fabric, it has been interfaced.
Here you can see that she has cut the top of the flower out and the flower petals are ready to be cut.
Once your pieces are cut, you should remove the paper backing from each piece and place them on top of your Teflon ironing sheet which is see-through and allows you to place your designs properly.
You can see above that the flower center has been placed on the red petals.  They were then fused together in previous photo.  Be sure and do this first fusing on the Teflon ironing sheet as the pieces will not adhere to the sheet and once cool may be removed easily and then adhered to your background fabric later. Above the new unit has cooled and has been placed on the ironing board as one piece.
This is another shot to let you see how it is done.
Since we didn’t get any further with our Whimsical design, I wanted to show you this sample to show you of an entire project fused using this method and adhered to the background fabric. 

Next step is to machine quilt.  Next month Chris will not be available, so we will skip a month (or two) before we show you the final sewing step.  Stay tuned.  There is more to come.

 ON ANOTHER NOTEFrom The Blue Chair has a Stack Whack Wonky block tutorial.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!