Wednesday, June 26, 2013


 The Whimsical Garden BOM met Tuesday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  I think I have some slackers in this group...LOL...or maybe everyone has just been busy.  However, Sandy was the only one to complete her block for this month!  Congratulations Sandy.  You did a beautiful job.
 Look what else Sandy did.  She showed us this stunning quilt.  She said she started it when she went on retreat and recently finished it.  I love those bright colors.  Sandy did too, and told us that when she saw the kit with those lovely fabrics she had to buy it.  The pattern is Rainbow Log Cabin.
 Judi had a finish to show us too.  Remember the Little Miss Shabby blocks I showed you here?  Judi put them all together and made this darling quilt.
 This is a close up of one of the blocks.  So cute!
 Does anyone remember seeing a Whitman Sampler tin? I've never seen one. This one is circa 2009.  Judi had one and put it to use.
 This is what is inside this cute little tin.  She made the items herself.  How lovely!
 Mary Ellen had a free quilt to show us.  I say free because she won 52 fat quarters at a retreat.  She used 18 of them to make the front of this lovely quilt. 
Then she took 12 more of the fat quarters and some leftover fabric from the front and made the backing. That is Mary Ellen on the left.  She said she still has fat quarters left!  What a lovely quilt.  The pattern is Yellow Brick Road.

Chris also continued her demo for machine applique that she started last month here.  I’ll show you those step-by-step pictures tomorrow.

ON ANOTHER NOTE: Fat Quarter Shop has a pattern and tutorial for a Full Swing Quilt Pattern. 

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Everything is fantastic. I really love that Little Miss Shabby quilt! How adorable! I recently picked up one of those little 4 candy Whitman's Sampler tins but I can't remember where I found them. One of the varied dollar stores I'm fairly certain. Choice of tin colors too.

  2. Every time I see one of those Little Birdie quilts it makes me want to start one myself because they are all so cute!

  3. Super lovely work, Ladies!! Thank you for sharing. Love it all!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!!

  4. Love the bright quilt and the tin! Yeah, those birdies are in my UFO pile. Love that she finished hers. LOL. Slackers! Crack that whip, Caroll. I love Sandy's block!
