Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Picture this:  I’m back from my little mini vacation.  I am tired, have a ton of laundry to do, and it suddenly dawns on me:  Saturday is the first Saturday of the month and I don’t have my blocks ready for Sampler Class at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.    No problem, I think.  I’ll just make the big block while I’m waiting for the first load of wash to dry.  I put the laundry in the dryer, enter my sewing room, turn the TV on so I can watch my favorite soap while I sew, and had that block done in no time.  I then hurried up stairs so I could take pictures in natural light.  First I took this one above.  
Then I tried a different background.  I was so pleased with this block.  It looked like all my points were where they should be.  
Then I tried another background.  Satisfied, I picked up my background pieces, and as I admired the block one more time, I thought, what the……?  Obviously I had done something wrong.  Apparently several mini blocks were placed wrong.  
Back in my sewing room, I unstitched and re-stitched and came up with this block, which is how it should look.  You can see here where I posted a picture of the sample blocks that are to be done and ready to show at this month’s Sampler meetings.  I love piecing.  I love piecing.  I love….oh, honestly, who do I think I’m kidding.

PS:  I can't believe me.  I'm just looking over this post and realized that all I had to do was take that one row out and turn it around.  I took each individual piece apart and re-sewed it!  I think I have a problem.
  • Mark your calendar now for the next Stitch-In which will be held September 20th and 21st.
  • Happy Scrappers meets Wednesday, September 11, and Saturday, September 14.

ON ANOTHER NOTEQuilt Jane has a link in her post for a free Aus Bee Block pattern.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. The good news is...your block looks great now! :0)

  2. Well ... it looks good now! Guess your brain was still on vacation. Hope you had a great time!

  3. It looks great, the last one...and I am laughing at you...sorry...laughing with you!!

  4. hahaha...Caroll, your over-achiever block fix is just too funny! Nobody goes to that much trouble to fix, do they?...oh wait, you do! LOL Kidding you!

  5. I thought it was a new twist on an old traditional block. Isn't that how new designs are born? I love how your fabrics work together.

  6. I looked at that picture before you started talking and thought....hmmmm....did she do this on purpose? Is there another one like it that will be next to it with a whole new "twist"? Then I realized , heck no, I've done this a million times and will probably find the same block in the MIDDLE of the quilt I am going to baste today!

  7. I looked at that picture before you started talking and thought....hmmmm....did she do this on purpose? Is there another one like it that will be next to it with a whole new "twist"? Then I realized , heck no, I've done this a million times and will probably find the same block in the MIDDLE of the quilt I am going to baste today!

  8. I am not going to laugh, honestly, I have been there and done that myself on more than one occasion. This is something that always happens when you are rushed and think that it can be done quickly. At least that is what happens to me. Love the block and the colors. It will be a great sampler.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!!

  9. Oh Caroll I laughed so hard at this post - we MUST be sisters!

  10. I have totally done that, Caroll!
