Friday, September 6, 2013


Above is a sneak peek of the table runner I’m working on.  Applique calms me, and after the fiasco yesterday, I needed calming.

Someone asked me, if I dislike piecing so much why do I do it?  I have several reasons.
  • I like a challenge.
  • I believe that trying new things is good for you.
  • I once read that you should focus on things that you are bad at to improve your brain.
  • I don’t like to give up.  I believe that if I continue practicing my piecing techniques, I will improve and it will soon become second nature.
  • I love the looks of a pieced quilt.
How about you?  Do you ever do something you don't like simply because you want to learn?

  • Mark your calendar now for the next Stitch-In which will be held September 20th and 21st.
  • Happy Scrappers meets Wednesday, September 11, and Saturday, September 14.
ON ANOTHER NOTE:   jKafer has a tutorial for a woven ribbons block.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Well, I have to admit that the same question went through my mind yesterday as well. But there's always a reason and I wasn't curious enough to ask what your reason would be. Personally I'm not in a position time-wise to want to 'waste' any of my time doing something I don't want or like to do (housekeeping excluded dang it). But if my time restraints were to change, I might look at things differently I suppose. It's all a personal quest and as individual as each of us is. You go for it girl! :-)

  2. No, I pretty much just do what I enjoy when it comes to quilting. I am branching out and trying new things with my art group, but none of them are things I don't want to try.

  3. You know, the older I get, the less likely I am to spend time doing something I dislike. I do love the look of pieced quilting, but am so bad at it, I don't have the confidence that I'll improve! Especially since I started out so good at it, and get worse with age, lol. For me, when I keep trying, it all goes downhill.

    And - while I really, really hate to admit it - I'm lazy.

    So - I'll stick with designing fun applique projects and stitcheries.

  4. Loved this post and your reasoning for doing something that you are not fond of. I do the same. It keeps you young and sharp. It is exercise for the brain. Without challenging ourselves from time to time our lives would be pretty dull. We learn so much about ourselves by doing something that we are not so fond of. Keep up the good work.
    Love your table runner! Can't wait to see if completed. Looks like it is bright, cheery, and great fun. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and good works. Love the link as well.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
