Monday, November 24, 2014


How is everyone doing today?  Between this weather and the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Thanksgiving Day, I’m a little frazzled.  I did make this purse for my mom.  Every time I went to see her she would comment on my purse, telling me how much she liked it, how she’d like one.  I kept looking at the department store for another purse like mine, but couldn’t find one.  What did she need a purse for anyway? I reasoned.  She does not handle money.  She does not wear lipstick.  She has her tissues in her walker bag.  Why should I worry about getting her a purse?  She doesn’t need one.  But she wants one, my conscience told me.  So yesterday I made her this purse.  I didn’t have enough black and white polka dot fabric to make it look just like mine, but I think these fabrics will work.  It is the Runaround Bag by Lazy Girl Designs.  It is a quick and easy bag to make and making it for my mom made me feel good.  She will probably never use it.  Or leave it somewhere.  Or within a day or two forget that I even gave it to her.  But the point is … I will know.  It gives me joy to make her happy even though it might be for a few minutes, or only a few days.  Giving her a little happiness is what is important!

  • Vickie S. will have a One Block Wonder class on Monday, December 15th from 10:00-4:00.
  • Craft Days scheduled this year at the Attic Window Quilt Shop are Saturday, November 29, and Friday, December 5.  This has always been a popular event and in order to accommodate everyone, Chris added a Craft Day to the calendar.  Just call the shop and let Chris know which day you would like to attend. 
  • Loft Creations has a tutorial for a pooch pouch.  Great gift for a friend with a dog.
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Lovely sentiment for your Mommy, Caroll! I´ve got some pretty black fabric with 1/4 inch white dots symmetrically spaced all over....say the word, send me the sizes you need and I´d be happy to send you the pieces to make another one, if you like--there´s plenty of time b4 Xmas if the postman is on his toes! Hugs, Bobbi

  2. Caroll it's just darling and she'll love it - and you're so right, YOU will know!!!
