Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Not much to show you today.  When cleaning the house and getting ready for out of town guests, I came across this unfinished wool project.  I think it needs leaves and other embellishments. Does that ever happen to you?  Do you have unfinished projects?  (I’m laughing to myself.)  Anyway, I wanted to post a picture you haven’t seen before and one that was kind of in the Thanksgiving theme.  Mainly, I wanted to wish everyone here in the U.S. and around the world who celebrate this holiday,  a Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday.  I’ll probably not be posting the rest of this week as I will be busy with great grand kids.  You can’t blame me for that!


  • Vickie S. will have a One Block Wonder class on Monday, December 15th from 10:00-4:00.
  • Craft Days scheduled this year at the Attic Window Quilt Shop are Saturday, November 29, and Friday, December 5.  This has always been a popular event and in order to accommodate everyone, Chris added a Craft Day to the calendar.  Just call the shop and let Chris know which day you would like to attend. 
  • Wedding Dress Blue has a tutorial for a Film At Five quilt.  This is a great way to use scraps and it will be my goal to make this next year.
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!