Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Special this week at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Christmas Fabrics are 25% off.  All other Christmas Fabrics are 20% off.  All notions, books and patterns are 20% off!  Stop in today!
Check out this adorable tatted angel.  Vickie S. started taking Diana’s Tatting Class and made the above angel. Wouldn’t it be perfect decorating the tree or a package?  Watch the calendar on the sidebar for Diana’s next Tatting classes.
Looking for a way to decorate for the holidays?  Misti made these darling chair covers.  They are sure to add that festive touch to any room.  She said she didn’t have a pattern.  She just took measurements and put the pieces together.  She did a great job on those bows too!

  • Vickie S. will have a One Block Wonder class on Monday, December 15th from 10:00-4:00.
  • I also understand that there will be a new project of the month starting in January, as well as a new Seasonal sampler series, and lots of new classes.  Watch for details on following posts.
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!

1 comment:

  1. There is a lady in my guild who tats and makes lace. We've had a couple demo days over the years and she has demonstrated both things once or twice. It was very interesting to watch.
