Monday, December 8, 2014


You won’t want to miss this special sale at the Attic Window Quilt Shop all this week. Special Christmas Fabrics are 25% off.  All other Christmas Fabrics are 20% off.  All notions, books and patterns are 20% off!  Stop in today!

The first of the December Sampler classes was held this past Saturday.  Marilyn has put all her blocks together and is ready to quilt it.  Above she shows off her beautiful quilt!  What an inspiration!
This and the following are pictures of the block we will be making during the month. 

It was suggested I not post this picture above but I think it is a good idea to show you an ooops in order to get your attention and make you think when making your block. (Actually, I'm showing it for me because I know I'm likely to do something just like this!)
These blocks are made easier by using Thangles or Triangle paper.  Each participant received a sample of these products for making their block.  You can purchase the packages at the shop.  (Note discounts above.)

  • Vickie S. will have a One Block Wonder class on Monday, December 15th from 10:00-4:00.
  • I also understand that there will be a new project of the month starting in January, as well as a new Seasonal sampler series, and lots of new classes.  Watch for details on following posts.

  • Looking for a quick teacher gift?  V and Co. has a great tutorial for a quick and easy gift. 
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!

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