Monday, January 19, 2015


I was stunned when I found out about this quilt.  Above Cathy M. shows us her latest finish.  When I asked her about the pattern, she giggled.  "It is last year's Sampler!" she said.  I could not get over how making those blocks in solid or nearly solid fabrics gives the quilt a whole new look.  I made my blocks in the 30s fabrics and it sure doesn't look like this!  I asked her to bring it to our Modern Bee so they could see the change a fabric choice can make. 
A couple of things that Cathy did do differently, is that she did not use sashing between her blocks.  She said she wanted a lap size quilt.
Also, notice her border!  She used all her left over pieces, sewed them onto used dryer sheets and created this border.  She said that after she had some scraps sewn to a dryer sheet she even did a slice and insert (see above). How clever.  Cathy is one creative gal!

DON'T FORGET:  The Mod Squad (Modern Bee) meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  All are welcome.

  • She Can Quilt has a tutorial for a non slip sewing machine mat.
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. One of the things I love most about quilting is how simply changing the fabric can make such a huge difference in the block. It's gorgeous.

  2. Cathy's quilt is stunning! What she did definitely gave the quilt a modern look. I suggest that at the modern quilt meeting you put Cathy's quilt and yours done in 30s prints side by side as a comparison so all can see the difference between the two. I think you will be astonished. Thank you for sharing and for the great link.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  3. I tell ya, it took me a bit to figure out where this border is that you're talkin' about. DUH!!! That is such a great border...yep, I see it! It works really well with all those blocks and I like the no sashing too.

  4. That quilt is amazing! And a great border!!!
