Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I haven’t done much sewing lately because I’ve been spending my time on the couch nursing a head and chest cold.  However, I did manage to finish a couple table runners that I had started last year.  Sometime last year my DIL gave me a two packages of Tonga Treats and asked me to make these table runners for her.  Above is the Four Square Table Runner.
This one is Migrating Geese Table Runner.  I’m glad she gave me her fabric choices so that I know she will like them.  In fact when I was visiting Sunday she cleared off her dining room table and put one table runner there and then did the same thing with a coffee table.  They really looked nice.  And it gave me satisfaction to know the colors were her choice and that I actually did accomplish something this year!  Now I’m off and running on my next project.  More about that later.

HEART OF WINTER TOUR:  Have you signed up yet?  If you are wondering what it is all about you can check here and here.  Your price for the bus ride to the four different shops includes lunch and dinner.  Call the shop to register.

  • Applique BOM and Modern BOM meets next week.
  • First Make It and Take It of the New Year is next week.
  • Get your Newsletter here.
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. When you're handed the fabrics and colors it's like "whew!" It's the biggest battle deciding fabric designs and colors for someone else. Ask me how I know this. LoL. Your table mats look great! I can imagine how great they look in use.

  2. So nice to start something and know that the recipient will like them. They look great!

  3. Those are just lovely, Caroll!! I hope you're feeling better hon...stay warm!
