Wednesday, February 25, 2015


The Mod Squad met Wednesday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Some of the members are participating in a BOM.  Since last month's block seemed to upset those used to more traditional block making, we tried something a little less stressful this month.  Above Peggy shows us her block.
This is Marti's block.  Remember, this is what the block is supposed to look like.;
Cathy's block is the blue and yellow one on the wall.
 Remember I told you what the block was supposed to look like?  Well, this is my block.  Let me tell you what happened.  Once I had the block sewed together I realized I had not put the pieces together correctly.  I made a major decision right then and there...I am not going to unstitch it.  So I did a slash and insert adding the black and white strips.  Then I took the left over triangles from the center piece and attached them.  There you have it...a new block...of sorts!  Anyway, it was fun to make.
Above are the four blocks made today.  It will be interesting to see how we grow and experiment during the year.
Cathy showed us her recent finish.  This was a Quilt As You Go and made with a layer cake.  I would love to try this one.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. Oh my, I love your block! Good for you to make something fabulous instead of ripping.

  2. Great block version Caroll. That's like being able to get mad and slash it to feel better then simply create from the remains and feel even better. I love it!

  3. I love your block best - yay for improv!!!
