Monday, February 23, 2015


I blame it on this weather, but this morning I woke up feeling a little bland (read lazy) and at loose ends, not really inspired to start a new sewing project today.  For some reason my late daughter-in-law came to mind, which got me to thinking about an episode I saw on Sewing With Nancy this past Saturday.  It was apparently a rerun, but I had not seen it before.  I remembered a Pretty Pockets website she spoke about.  After going there, I was so inspired that I made this wonderful little Pretty Pocket.
 In fact, I made two pockets.  I wish I had known about these when my DIL had her cancer.  You can read more about making these Pretty Pockets for cancer patients here
Since it is asked that you use flannel and that you wash it in unscented soap, I used what fabric I had on hand.  After searching for a unscented soap, I washed and dried the fabric. Given that I had the fabric all prepped, I cut out three more pockets.  It was fun chain piecing these.

Check out this cute little tag that you can attache to each pocket.  I just printed them off on my computer and attached them with a ribbon and small safety pin.
Above are the five I made.  They are so incredibly easy to make.  I had all of these completed before lunch and that included the washing and drying and ironing of fabric!  I intend to take them to the Lacks Cancer Center.  Making these small pockets for someone in need has helped make my day.  There is nothing like giving to another to boost your spirits.  I hope you will do the same.  Each pocket takes two pieces of fabric about 6 ½” by 8”.  So save your scraps and get to sewing.  I promise you, it will make your day!

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. What a neat thing to do - great for a blah day! Stay warm, Caroll!

  2. What a terrific idea. Thanks so much for sharing it.

  3. Sorry for you loss but grateful that you are passing on something useful and memorable....can't wait to try it!
