Tuesday, March 10, 2015


This is not quilting related but you might find it helpful.  The other night when my five-year-old great grandson came for dinner with his grandmother, he overheard some talk at the dinner table.
My daughter and I were discussing our fun playing Words With Friends with Carter’s father. 

“He says I cheat,” my daughter said.  “But I don’t cheat.  I never look in the dictionary.  I do have a list of words.  I’ll write on this list when I see a word I want to remember.”

“That’s a good idea,” I said.  “I’ll have to make a cheat sheet like that.”

At that point Carter entered the conversation and we were off and running about Spider Man, Robin, and several other power men that I didn’t recognize.

After dinner while my daughter and I were cleaning the kitchen, Carter was busy with his paper and crayons.  Soon he came running into this kitchen and said, “Here Nana.  I made you a cheat sheet of words so you can play with my dad.”

I thought this was adorable and I wanted to share with you in case you need it to play your next game of Words With Friends.

  • Happy Scrappers meet and Saturday. 
  • I just learned that the Make It Take It scheduled for this week has been postponed.  More to follow.
Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!