Sunday, April 26, 2015


In the last Post I told you about Rosa calling us all into the Attic Window Quilt Shop to make pillowcases which will be given to Safe Haven Ministries.  It wasn't all work that day.  We had some fun too.  Above, Rosa shows us how to make a coaster.  You can find more information about it here.
Above is the one that I made from some scraps I had on hand.
Misti couldn't join us that day, but she did send me a picture of a coaster she had made after seeing the previous post where Rosa gave us a little tutorial.
Judi A. showed us how to make this darling coaster using a hexagon design.  Can't wait to try that.
Judi also showed us this stunning Trip Around the World quilt that she had just finished.
This is a close up of the center of Judi's quilt.
Yvonne showed us her finished Sew Together Bag. 
Above, you can see the inside of Yvonne's bag.  Love those fabrics.
After Rosa made a few pillowcases, she worked on this block.  It is for the Mod Squad BOM.  Rosa was on a cruise the month that we made this block.  Don't you just love those fabrics!

ATTENTION:  The Charity Quilt group that meets on the first Monday of the month at the shop is asking for donations.  If you have UFO blocks, 100% cotton fabric that you know you will never use (you know how our tastes change), incomplete projects (like a quilt top half done), batting, etc., please bring them to the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  This wonderful group of quilters will use them to make wonderful quilts for charity. 

  • UFO Day, Monday April 27.
  • Applique Bee, Tuesday afternoon, April 28.
  • Knotty Girls, Wednesday, April 29.
  • Doll Bee, Thursday, April 30.
  • Glam Shell Bag, Friday, May 1 and another on Monday, May 11.
  • Sampler, Saturday, May 2.
  • Tulip Time Quilt Show, May 2-9, Holland, MI
  • Threads of Friendship Quilt Show, May 8 & 9, Muskegon, MI
  • We All Sew has a tutorial and free pattern for a cute Tea Cozy. 
♥ Caroll,
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. Such variety of quilty goodness!

  2. What a great show and tell!! Love the coasters and the bag! Well done, Ladies!! Thank you for the great link!!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
