Thursday, April 23, 2015


Recently Rosa called quilters to gather at the Attic Window Quilt Shop for a Pillowcase Charity Day.  Everyone brought fabric to make pillowcases which will be given to Safe Heaven Ministries, a confidential emergency shelter available for women and their children. Above, Rosa shows us fabric and kits that she brought for us to use, in case we ran out of what we brought and needed more.
We got down to business right away.  Above, Chris gives us a demonstration of a quick way to make the pillowcases.  With this method, all the seams are encased. 
Above, Chris shows us how to roll the fabric and get it ready to sew the first seam.
I got my first pillowcase finished and asked Rosa to hold it for me so I could get a picture.
Val shows us her finished pillowcase.
Diana made two pillowcases.  Above is her first one.
Yvonne shows us her pillowcase.
Lee Anne shows us her pillowcase.
Vickie S. made two pillowcases.
This is Judi's pillowcase in process.  She had to bug out for a little while to get her hair cut.
Shirley stopped by to attend another meeting today which, unknown to her, had been cancelled.  Above, she shows us the apron that she has been working on.  It is made from a man's shirt. Shirley said that she saw one at a Craft Fair and decided she could make one too.
Shirley decided stay and help out sewing pillowcases since Rosa had brought extra fabric.  Above is Shirley's finished pillowcase.
Above are the pillowcases we made today, minus two.  Val took hers home to fix something and Rosa didn't get hers finished as she was busy with other things.  More about that on Monday!

ATTENTION:  The Charity Quilt group that meets on the first Monday of the month at the shop is asking for donations.  If you have UFO blocks, 100% cotton fabric that you know you will never use (you know how our tastes change), incomplete projects (like a quilt top half done), batting, etc., please bring them to the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  The Monday Charity group of quilters will use them to make beautiful quilts for charity. 

  • Marilyn’s Coin Purse, Friday, April 24.
  • Stitch-In on Saturday, April 25.
  • Glam Shell Bag, Friday, May 1 and another on Monday, May 11.
  • Tulip Time Quilt Show, May 2-9, Holland, MI
  • Threads of Friendship Quilt Show, May 8 & 9, Muskegon, MI
  • Quilt Views has a free pattern for a foundation pieced pickle dish block.
♥ Caroll,
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles