Tuesday, June 30, 2015


When I stopped in at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this past Monday, I found Rosa and her granddaughter Keira braiding strips from cut up old t-shirts.  Keira wanted to make a rug.
Rosa is in charge of the Scrappers Schoolhouse.  Let me tell you a little about this awesome group.  The women get together and sew pillowcases and bags for others in need.  Rosa said she gave the last batch of pillowcases to the Salvation Army and they were pleased as punch to get them.  Above are some of the pillowcases made during their sewing session last week.  Aren't they pretty! 
Above, Rosa shows us the bag she made and will be donated with the pillowcases.  And Keira shows the pillowcase she made and has decided to donate it to charity too.
This is a close up of the bag that Rosa made.  This group is open to anyone who would like to come and sew and help out.   Patterns are available, we just ask that you donate fabric for your project.  The Scrapper's School House is held once a month.  Due to the shop move in July, the group probably won't meet again until August.  Watch for news of their next meeting and please feel free to come join us.

  • The Attic Window Quilt Shop WILL BE OPEN on Saturday, July 4th.  Sampler will be held as usual, however, if you are unable to make it on the 4th, you may attend Sampler on the following Saturday at the shop. 
  • What Knots, Wednesday, July 1
  • Doll Bee, Thursday, July 2
  • Sampler and Bee, Saturday, July 4
♥ Caroll,
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. Those two sure are cute and productive! I can see the family resemblance in their faces. And it looks like they are wearing the same glasses.

  2. What a cutie....love the pillowcases and for such a wonderful cause...maybe I should get with it and make some.
