Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I finally had time to sew today.  I have been so cranky all week and I swear that is just an indication of sewing withdrawal.  I’m sure my daughter and friends will be happy to hear that I took the cure today and sewed.   I figured piecing would only aggravate my stress, so I chose to do appliqué and made this little butterfly block. The pattern is from the Flower Festival book by Kim Schaefer.  I had four blocks left over from a quilt that I made from this book several years ago.  I thought I’d make a table runner with the four leftover flower blocks; however, when I started putting them together, I decided these flowers needed some bugs.  This book has six adorable bug patterns in it.
Above is a close up of one of the wings.  I have to admit that I didn't follow pattern directions.  I didn't want to applique those small flowers.  So I decided to fussy cut some flowers and fuse them onto the wings.  After I did that, I decided I needed to do something to make the flowers stand out and added the black free motion stitching.  Not the best job I’ve done, but I like black stitching and the feel it adds to my piece.  You can get the Flower Festival book at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.
Remember this table runner?  I made it in 2013.  The pattern for it is also in this book.  Do I need to add that I certainly have gotten my money’s worth out of this book?  It has fifty adorable blocks of appliquéd flowers and bugs.  There are also nine complete projects for you. 

  • Doll Bee, Thursday, July 2
  • Sampler and Bee, Saturday, July 4
♥ Caroll,
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. I love your free motion stitching around the flowers. I had to look at the picture close up to see that it was stitching and not part of the original print. Looks great!

  2. I LOVE your butterfly - and the fmq around the flowers! I'm terribly fond of that look. Your table runner is gorgeous too!
