Monday, July 13, 2015


Sampler was held this past Saturday prior to the Happy Scrapper's meeting at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Above are their blocks for this month.  This year the theme is Seasons.
There were a lot of Happy Scrappers Saturday, but above is the only picture of anyone's work that I managed to get.  I think I was too busy talking.  This is the quilt that Robin showed us.  She had some UFO blocks and decided to put them together like this.  I love her design.  Now she is struggling with how to bind it.  I have made her promise to show us the quilt when it is all finished.  Can't wait to see it.
A reader recently asked where she could get the packaged freezer paper for applique.  I lost her email, but as you can see above, you can purchase it at the shop.

  • Clover and Violet have a link for a pattern and tutorial for an insulated snack bag. 
 ♥ Caroll,
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles

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