Sunday, July 12, 2015


 We had an unexpected and very special guest this past Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop.  Above, Erica Plank of Unseen Hands stopped by the shop and graciously agreed to give us a special showing of her quilts.  Erica said that since she was a child her hands always had to be busy.  Above, you can see she was keeping those hands busy as she patiently waited for the Happy Scrappers to arrive.
 Here she tells us how she came to start her business.  She said she started designing in 2009 after she had designed numerous picture quilts for friends and family. 
 Above is Gingerbread, one of her first patterns.  Erica is from the northwest.  She said that embroidery is BIG in the northwest. 
 This one is called Elfing Around.  Each square has a darling elf in it.

 Since this Post is picture heavy, I tried to combine some of them into a college.  Above are four different quilts:
  • Top, Chillin; and, We Can Build A Snowman.  
  • Bottom, First Snow (this is her latest quilt.  Some blocks are appliqué trees and others are stitchery.  You can see a better view of this quilt on her blog ); and North Poles’ Quilt Guild (note: each snowman holds a different quilt block).

 Erica’s designs are mostly stitchery, but there is some appliqué.  Above is her Home Made Pie quilt.
 This was a special design for a quilter’s retreat.
 Isn’t this one wonderful?  You can get all of these patterns at the shop.  You could have Taste of Freedom completed and ready to show next year during the holiday.
 Erica asked us if we liked rag quilts.  I think some of us turned up our nose…until we saw these adorable quilts.  
  • Top:  Welcome Spring Rabbit; Teddy Bear.  
  • Bottom: Fluffy Sheep; Patches.
 There was also this large wall hanging called Crow’s Best Friend.
 The above quilt is Letter From Home.
 Reap What you Sew.
 This Tablecloth is so clever.  The pattern is Have a Drink with Me.  As the seasons change, you can turn it so that the right seasonal overhang can be seen.
 This cute little quilt is called What We’re Made Of.
 The Outside.
 Heartland Barns.

 Believe In Me Santa.
 Believe in Me Fairy.
Believe In Me Inspirational.
Erica also made this lovely Cathedral Windows Quilt.  Click back through the pictures and notice that several have Cathedral Window borders.
In this collage Erica shows us how to make perfect cathedral windows using her special tool.
The above collage shows the bag patterns Erica has.  She said that when she went camping she realized she didn’t have anything to put her dirty clothes in, so she made a bag.  Then she made one for the college students.  On the right, Robin shows us the back pack that Erica made.  What little girl wouldn’t want this?

Stop in at the shop and take a look at the patterns.  You won’t be disappointed.

A special thank you to Erica for a wonderful show.

And a special thank you to Diana for helping me gather the information.  As soon as Erica held up a quilt, I would take a picture, Diana would write about it, then we were on to the next.  It was a busy and exciting morning.

♥ Caroll,
Caring , Sharing and Creating Smiles


  1. Wow! Super great trunk show! Erica is very talented and does great work! I am on my way to look her up on the web. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  2. Looks like it was a really fun day. Thanks for sharing it with us!
