Sunday, October 29, 2017


 The Quilt Block Cookbook BOM met last week at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. Above, some of the women show you their completed blocks.  I apologize to those of you who didn't get in the picture.  I forgot all about taking the picture until Charity reminded me and half of you had already left.  
Because of the holidays over the next two months, this group has agreed not to meet in November and December.  However, we will still be making our blocks.  The above block is Lemon Whip, Recipe 3.   This block went together rather nicely.  However, depending on which version of the book you have, will determine which applique Template you will use.  In the first book I got (the first printing) the applique template is on page 172 and the book said to use Template 4.  I thought that way too large for the 4 1/2 inch block and thought it should be template D3. In the second printing the instructions said to use Template D4, however, there is no D4, only two D5 and I thought neither of those worked so I used D3.  
The following block you should make during this "off" time is Mango Tango, Recipe 16.  Cathy made this sample block and I don't remember that there is a problem with it other than you need to make sure things are going in the right direction.
The final block you should make and have ready to show upon return to our group on January 3. Please note this date.  It is a catchup date.  We will also meet again on our regular date in January, Wednesday, January 24. The above block is Second Star, Recipe 28.  

  • UFO Day, Monday, Oct. 30
  • Wooly Bee, Monday, Oct. 30
  • Bee, Tuesday, Oct. 31
  • Knotty Girls, Wednesday, Nov. 1
  • Doll Bee, Thursday, Nov. 2
  • Beg. Quilting, Thursday, Nov. 2 (afternoon & evening)
  • Jingle Bell Hop Begins, Friday, Nov. 3
  • Sampler, Saturday, Nov. 4
  • Bee, Saturday, Nov. 4
The November calendar is up on the sidebar.  Mark your calendar now for:
  • Jingle Bell Hop, November 3-11.
  • Christmas Craft Day, Saturday, November 25. Register now!!!
There is also a coupon on the calendar so be sure and print it off.

  • Patchwork N Play has a tutorial for fabric hamburgers.  It's not what you think.
Caring, Sharing, Creating Smile

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