Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Imagine this:  I’m talking on the phone to my daughter. 

     Chrys:  So, what are you going to do tomorrow?
     Me:  Well, Cathy wants to come over and see my sewing set up so I’ll be cleaning my sewing room all morning.
     Chrys:  Cleaning!  We just cleaned it last summer.
     Me…thinking, sadly:  My poor child.  Where did I go wrong?  Apparently I lack in the mother skills.  The first thing I should have taught my daughter is rule #1: All creative people are messy.  Should I die tomorrow I pray that it is not in the middle of a new project, because if that happens she is in for a shock!  Thankfully my sewing room is in the basement so when my family comes to visit, they are unable to observe the mess.  Little does my daughter know that two days after we cleaned my sewing room last summer it looked like Hurricane Andrew had passed through.

What is it about quilters?  Are we all messy?  How about you?  What does your sewing room look like?  Are you anything like the people in the accounting office where I used to work?  They went home with a clean desk EVERY night!  I enjoyed telling them that a clean desk was the sign of a dirty mind.  One look at my desk…or my sewing room…you’d think I was a saint!  I have piles everywhere.  I save everything.  I have the most fun starting a new project.

Above is just one of my newest projects.  I told you of my need for hand sewing here.   Over the weekend I made two move blocks. 
Here are the first two together.
Then I made another block.  I’m not sure about this third one.  I like it by itself, but not sure it goes with the others.  That is the reason I’m not sewing any of the blocks together until I have them all made.  Maybe this third one will look better with a different partner.  I love hand sewing.  Do you?

ON ANOTHER NOTE:   Thinking about how to entertain your child/grandchild this summer?  Just Another Day In Paradise has a tutorial for Old MacDonald Puppets.  What fun!

PS:  Linking to Clover & Violet Season By Hand.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. No, I do not like hand sewing. I very much dislike it. Except for the binding on quilts. I love how your beauty is coming along, Caroll. I think the bottom right block struggles with the other two because of the outside fabric and the narrow ring fabric choices. I love all the rest of it! Anxious to see your last block.

    Yes, my crafty space is always a mess. I sort it all out once in a while, but it never lasts no matter how hard I try.

  2. Love how you blocks are turning out.
    My sewing space is always a mess. I try to vacuum and at least pick up the thread. Everything is on one floor in our house, so it spills over very quickly. Practically every chair has a project to work on.

  3. Love these beauties. I went looking again for the patterns I had used previously...links to them are 401 errors.
    I sew in the bedroom, press in the living room and if I am cutting big stuff, that is on the kitchen table.
    I try to keep it contained.
    and, I avoid hand sewing when ever possible.

  4. Well - my room stays very neat, but only because it's so multi-purpose!!! My creative juices just don't flow in clutter, so I'm forever cleaning. I've probably wasted years of good stitching time by cleaning. I need a room where I can leave everything out!!! Caroll, I LOVE your blocks, I think they're wonderful!!!!

  5. These blocks all look great!

    My sewing room is a mess too.

  6. Your blocks are looking so good - very bright and happy. I'm behind 46 posts on your blog alone. I will catch up!

  7. *bigsmile!*
    I raised my daughter successfully in that department Caroll--she´s saintly creative in the drawing/painting sector. :o)
    Your 3rd block is just as awesome as all the rest and will mix beautifully with the lot when you´ve got more, I´m sure! I love handsewing too.
    Hugs from Germany! Bobbi

  8. I am a pig when it comes to creating....a total oinker!!! Love the post and block you are doing.

  9. I adore hand sewing. I started with needlepoint in the 1970s and moved on from there. Right now I'm working on a felt and sequin advent calendar for my youngest granddaughter.
    Your NY Beauty is grand. I love the bright colors and am very impressed by your courage in making one!

  10. You just cleaned it last year?! That's a long time ago. You totally have permission for it to be a wreck. I need a serious deep clean in mine, too!
