Friday, August 2, 2013


I was reading Seth Godin’s blog today and he talked about Stoogecraft.  He likened it to the Three Stooges and said that they had impulse control problems…."they do whatever comes to their minds immediately."   I became uncomfortable.  That sounded a bit like me.

Seth went on to say that Stoogecraft people don’t think of the alternatives or the consequences.  I cringed.  Yep, that’s me.  For example this morning there was very little on my To-Do list.  After doing some blog hopping and answering e-mails, I decided I HAD to make just one block of this beautiful Kaleidoscope quilt that I saw on Ahhh Quilting
It took me most of the day because I sewed it by hand.  I love hand sewing while sitting on the deck and enjoying this beautiful summer weather.  However, I did not like how the center came together.  I have questions:
  • Is there a secret to doing this? 
  • How do you make all the points meet perfectly in the center? 
  • Should I start sewing from the point? 
  • I did that on some of them but there has to be a secret to doing this.  Anyone care to share?  I know it can be done because the points on the blocks on Cynthia’s blog are perfect!
Also in his post, Seth said that this short term thinking leads to “success avoided.”  Well, I think this block above is proof of his point.  It sure wasn’t a success and I avoided doing housework all day!  Help Please!

:  Did you see on the sidebar that Barb David has a new twilling book out?  You could make those darling Nutcrackers in redwork or twilling.  Check it out.  

AND ON ANOTHER NOTECrafty Staci has a tutorial for a Rocking Chair Organizer.

Until next time,

Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!


  1. ROFL - housework avoided - that sounds successful to me! I love your block Caroll, and in the first pic it looked perfect. So don't worry about it, step back and it's fine! I've not only never done one like that, I doubt I'd attempt it, lol. So kudos to you!

  2. Thanks for my morning chuckle!! I need more of this so I am following you via Bloglovin'... wait that didn't sound exactly what I meant! Your creativity is inspiring too!
    Allie is correct (above), step back and you don't notice anything wrong with your block!!

  3. With so many seams meeting it will be difficult to get it perfect. One suggestion is to baste the middle part of the seam first then check the center. Make any adjusts necessary and baste again until it is perfect (or good enough for you). Then sew the seam leaving the basting in.

    But I agree with the top two commenters, it looks great in the first photo so I wouldn't worry about.

  4. Love this kaleidoscope block and your fabrics and your colors! what fun! When I machine sew a piece like this, if my seams are stitched at 1/4", then I begin or stop sewing 1/4" from the center. Leaving the points unstitched. When I get full circle, the center just lands with all the points meeting there. Clear as mud?

    Good grief! I'm a stoogecrafter!

  5. You're funny. Stoogecraft! I love it. I like that you just picked up and started this!
