It’s spring in Michigan and with that comes a phenomena known as CCF (otherwise known as Crazy Cleaning Frenzy). Did you know that CCF causes some women to hear voices? During an episode of CCF these voices appear, usually when the struggling-to-clean-her-house woman finds some forgotten UFOs. These voices nag at her day and night. Sometimes the voice is masculine (Good lord woman why don’t you finish all those projects you have before you start something new?), and sometimes that voice is feminine, sounding very much like herself (I really should finish up those other projects before I start something new.)
A cure has been found. A local minister once said (and it has never forgotten by you know who): “Thou shall not should on thyself.” Remember those words. They are magic. Once you realize what he said is true you will no longer hear voices. You are once again free to go to quilt shops and buy fabric, new patterns and most importantly start a new project.
Women deny themselves far too much while raising a family and taking care of a husband and a home. They should not deny themselves one of the greatest joys in quilting: starting a new project. The best place to find those new patterns, books and fabrics is at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. Stop in and see what’s new. In fact, stop in this Friday and Saturday and take advantage of the Spring Cleaning Sale. Chris says she has to make room for all the new fabrics coming in. Now what better reason to start a new project? Think of all the good you will be doing by helping to make room for more and newer fabrics and saving money at the same time. You will be blessed for your kindness.
Something else for you: Remember a while back I gave you the link to a blog that showed you how to make T-shirt yarn. Well, Little Black Kitty shows you what can be done with it.
Until Next Time: Happy Quilting
I SO agree with you about starting new projects. I meet all of these rigid quilters who never allow themselves to just play with the fabric. They have rules in their head and never just let loose and have fun. Now I have had just way too much fun. I have at least 15 projects going at one time. I love variety.
I love that beehive in your side bar sampler. Darling!
Carol I checked the newsletter and the blog. What is the Spring Cleaning sale? What's on sale and what is the discount?
Dear Anonymous - You can read about it on the blog if you click on the 2009 April Newsletter. However, this is what it says: Fri, from 10-6 and SAt. from 10-5. We will be doing some major cleaning. Lots of kits, BOM, and scraps. Great bargains. Some marked down to 75% off! Hope you get this in time.
The T-shirt yarn tutorial is interesting. Hmm, wonder if my husband would miss any of those hundreds of t-shirts he has stashed away. OK, myabe not hundreds, but it sure seems that way when I try to add the clean ones to the drawer. Maybe time some dissappered and reappeared as a rug!
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