Speaking of Halloween, there is a new BOM starting at the shop.
You will be making a block each month. You have to choose which color way you want. You can see Chris (picture above the pattern) holding up the two different blocks. You just need to choose which color way you want. Call the shop to sign up and/or get more detailsNow for the Happy Scrappers! Looks like Pat was having a good time!Jane shows us her pretty blocks!
And Val was working on hand sewing that day.
Mary Gee said she was sorry she couldn't make it that day, but did send me this photo of the project she's working on. How pretty!
As for me, I don't think I did any sewing, but had a wonderful day visiting with all my quilting friends and taking pictures of all the new items in at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. I hope to see everyone the last Saturday of September. Mean while:
The Attic Window Quilt Shop. It is open Monday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday, 10-4.