This wallhanging is from Kim Schaefer’s Calendar Quilts. There are 12 months of fun projects. I love her patterns and intend to make all of these. I'll have something new on my door every month.
Comfort Stitching has the cutest tutorial for a raw edge appliqué of a girl on a swing.
My mother, you gotta love her. She will be 93 in December and still has it…The other day we went to the hospital for some tests. I took her into the lobby and told her to sit there while I parked the car. When I came back she was holding a newspaper up like she was reading it. I was surprised because she has macular degeneration and had to give up reading several years ago. “Are you reading that?” I asked. “No. I’m trying to make a good impression on that good looking man over there!” I hope I have her sense of humor when I’m her age.
I found an interesting magazine I want to share with you. It’s called
Going Bonkers (The Self-Help Magazine With A Sense of Humor). All kinds of fun stuff in it, some serious, some helpful, and some that will make you laugh. Hey, in their “facts” section, I learned that chickens have earlobes. I bet you didn't know that! I picked up three issues at the local library and think I’ll subscribe. I need all the help I can get!
Darlene over at
Sew Cal Gal had a nice post the other day. Take a look. It’s something we all should remember.
♥Stay Positive!