- Be realistic. In other words, Aim Low. You cannot conquer the mountain over night.
- Talk about your resolutions. Make your friends and family sick of hearing what you intend to accomplish in 2010. It is only through this verbal commitment that your mind accepts the challenge ahead.
- Write your resolutions on paper and put that list where you can see it daily (DO NOT use it as a bookmark).
- Plan ahead. Planning is probably what got you in trouble in the first place. Quilters are master planners. The problem most likely is over planning. However, just planning isn’t enough. You must include enough detail. “I will finish this quilt by such and such a date (be specific) and by finish I mean sandwiched, quilted, and bound with a label on the back.”
- Reward yourself. Be sure and promise yourself a reward for your achievements. This makes it so much easier to stick to those promises.
After looking at my chaotic studio, I decided I needed to make some resolutions of my own. You, fellow quilters are my friends and family and hopefully will hold me to the gun.
- I promise that I will dig through my box of finished quilt tops (finished but not sandwiched together) and sandwich, quilt, and bind one quilt from that box. The above picture is just one of those in that box.
- I promise to dig through my boxes of unfinished projects and complete at least one. By complete I mean at least finish the top so that it is ready to be sandwiched and put on the quilting frame. Deciding which project will be the hardest thing I do. Mainly because there will always be a new project calling my name and saying, “Pick me. Pick me.”
- I promise to make one quilt completely from my scrap bag and not purchase one piece of fabric for it! Straightening your stash does all kinds of funny things to you causing you to make rash promises, but I’m going to do that. I really am!
- As my reward for completing the above three resolutions I will allow myself to purchase EQ software, and only make that purchase AFTER I have completed my three resolutions.
Don’t forget that our Annual New Year’s Day Sale at the Attic Window Quilt Shop is from 10-3 with a 25% to 75% discount. It’s that time to clean out some of our bolts, boxes and many hiding spots, along with samples and etc.
Our Year Long Quilter’s Journey starts Saturday, Jan. 2, here at the Attic Window. Join us and 11 other shops for only a $5 sign up fee, which can be done at any of the following shops: Quilter’s Stitch; Yards of Fabric; Around the Block; Marshall House; Hen House; Everlasting Stitches; Quilts Plus; Forever Fabrics; Quilt N Go; Wooden Spool; & Smith Owen.
Geta has a great tutorial for a shopping bag. Think green!
Hope everyone has a happy New Year!
Until next time,