Do you have your blocks completed for Sampler 2013 at the Attic Window Quilt Shop? As usual I waited until the last minute. However, I have a good excuse. I’ve had company for most of this month and could hardly find time to sew. This afternoon I finished the above block. Have I told you how much piecing frustrates me? Maybe I’m just tired, but….Ughhh! Oh, well, it’s done and ready for class tomorrow. I didn't make up the other two small blocks. I'm thinking right now that a nap is more important!
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Art Gallery Fabrics has a nice tutorial for a unique strippy table runner.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Before we get to the new stuff at the Attic Window Quilt Shop I want to show you a couple more quilts that Chris made for the Quilter’s Road Trip that runs through June. There are twelve area shops participating. You get a chance to win a $25 gift certificate each month at each shop. Also available will be new projects, patterns and giveaways. You can still get your Passport for only $5 at the shop.
This is another quilt that Chris designed. There are three patterns all together. I posted about the previous one here. You can pick up your pattern, which includes all three designs, in June by showing your passport at the Shop.
Now for the new stuff. Don’t you just love new stuff? I got so excited when I saw these new books at the shop. They are all must-haves. Stop in and take a look.
Of course, I couldn’t get away without showing you the wonderful new fabrics in at the shop. Above (not the dark fabric on the left) are fabrics from the Happy Go Lucky line by Moda.
Now to the dark fabrics on the left in previous picture. These fabrics are adorable. The line is Alley Cats by Kanvas Studios. I can’t wait to get some of these cute little kitties for my focus squares paper pieced blocks.
These Charm Squares and Jelly Rolls are called Icicle Kisses by Kansas Troubles.
Above are Bali Snaps, Bali Crackers, Bali Pops by Hoffman Fabrics.
These Honeycombs, Charm Squares and Jelly Rolls are also from the Happy Go Lucky line by Moda.
I’ll be spending the next couple days going over patterns to see how much I need of all these beautiful fabrics.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: In case you need inspiration as to what to make with some of these fabrics, check out Molly Flanders for an even easier arrow tutorial. Also, A Few Scraps has a nice tutorial for a linked block.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The group participating in the Whimsical Garden BOM at the Attic Window Quilt Shop met today and received their kit for this block. This is a fun group. I don’t know exactly how many are participating but I don’t think any month that we’ve all been together. Today we had two new participants join us. It’s never too late. You can still catch up.
Above, Sandy shows us her completed block from the kit that was distributed last month. Sandy should get a prize! She was the only one to complete her block this month! Congratulations, Sandy! You did a great job.
Some of the other members were determined not to let that happen this month and got right down to business.
It is good that they got busy because next month we will have a special demonstration by Chris. Above, she instructed everyone on how to prepare for our session next month. She suggested that you trace a pattern (any pattern you would like to try) onto the rough side of Wonder Under. She used a Sharpie permanent pen to do this. She said that if you are interested in giving her method of machine appliqué a try; bring your sewing machine, the Wonder Under with your pattern drawn on it, and fabric. Hope to see all of you next month!
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Sew Lux Fabrics has a tutorial for a cute little sunshine mug rug.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Above, Sandy shows us her completed block from the kit that was distributed last month. Sandy should get a prize! She was the only one to complete her block this month! Congratulations, Sandy! You did a great job.
Some of the other members were determined not to let that happen this month and got right down to business.
It is good that they got busy because next month we will have a special demonstration by Chris. Above, she instructed everyone on how to prepare for our session next month. She suggested that you trace a pattern (any pattern you would like to try) onto the rough side of Wonder Under. She used a Sharpie permanent pen to do this. She said that if you are interested in giving her method of machine appliqué a try; bring your sewing machine, the Wonder Under with your pattern drawn on it, and fabric. Hope to see all of you next month!
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Sew Lux Fabrics has a tutorial for a cute little sunshine mug rug.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
I realized quite early this morning that I lead a maybe kind of life. Probably the commercial was running around in the back of my head, but that thought occurred to me as I tried to organize my day. First I thought, maybe I’ll bind my tea leaf quilt. Realizing that I had no idea what I would use for binding, I looked around my sewing room.
Maybe I’ll bind the Aunt Millie’s quilt. I must have seen something shiny because before I knew it I thinking about something else. (For you who wonder about that shiny comment…watch Finding Nemo).
Maybe I’ll put the sashing on some of my scrap blocks. Then again, maybe not.
Maybe I’ll make my sampler blocks for the class on Saturday. Why do I always wait till the last minute? Well, it’s not the last minute yet!
Good grief, it’s way too early in the morning to do all this stressful contemplating. I need a cup of coffee, coffee with caffeine, coffee with….is there such a thing as a coffee mimosa? (just kidding) I’m going to get to work soon. Really!
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Get ready for the Independence Day now. Mels Own Place has a tutorial for Long May She Wave. And, With Heart And Hands has lots of free patriotic patterns.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Maybe I’ll bind the Aunt Millie’s quilt. I must have seen something shiny because before I knew it I thinking about something else. (For you who wonder about that shiny comment…watch Finding Nemo).
Maybe I’ll put the sashing on some of my scrap blocks. Then again, maybe not.
Maybe I’ll make my sampler blocks for the class on Saturday. Why do I always wait till the last minute? Well, it’s not the last minute yet!
Maybe I’ll clean this sewing table so I can do something. Honestly, who can work in this mess!
Then again, maybe I’ll shorten these straps on this bag I made last week in Lee Ann’s class. Then again, once I do that I’ll have to figure out how I can get that thick bulk under my sewing needle so I can sew that seam around the top.Good grief, it’s way too early in the morning to do all this stressful contemplating. I need a cup of coffee, coffee with caffeine, coffee with….is there such a thing as a coffee mimosa? (just kidding) I’m going to get to work soon. Really!
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Get ready for the Independence Day now. Mels Own Place has a tutorial for Long May She Wave. And, With Heart And Hands has lots of free patriotic patterns.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Friday, May 24, 2013
I'm so proud of my daughter. She was called in to work today, but it was a ruse. They really wanted her to come in to give her an award. This is what the hospital newsletter said: "Chrystel Byrnes, a Sparrow Surgery Services Nurse, is known for her extraordinary kindness toward Patients and colleagues. She was surprised this morning with the latest Daisy Award, given to an outstanding Nurse. Chrystel (left) poses with the award with Barb McQuillan, Director of Surgery Services. Congratulations, Chrystel."
Had to share this with you. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
We had a fun time making bags today at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. Teacher Lee Ann seems to be having as much fun as we did. Lee Ann is an excellent teacher and makes the class fun for an uptight bag-maker like me. I would recommend her classes to anyone. She said that if you would like to make a different pattern rather than the one featured for a class, just let her know and you can make the purse/bag of your choice during any of her classes.
Sherry seems to be having a good time too. Shsssh….don’t tell anyone, but I know a secret. A little birdie told me that Sherry never starts a new project until the one she is working on is completely finished. I want to sit next to her during our next class in the hopes that some of that discipline will rub off on me!
Rosa (I call her the trouble-maker) shows us the outside of her bag. I love the fabric she chose for this bag and look forward to seeing a finished bag during our class next week (that is if Lee Ann doesn’t kick us out because of all our giggling).
This is the start of my bag. Don’t you just love this fabric? I didn’t know how to quilt it, but after doing a few straight lines I realized these straight lines gave the appearance of rain…perfect for these umbrellas. I didn’t have enough fabric for the handles so I choose a green that I thought matched fairly well (seen on the upper left). The gold/orange flowered fabric will be the lining. I can’t wait to show you the inside of the bag as there are lots of big, deep pockets!
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Moda Bake Shop has a tutorial for an interesting triangle quilt.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Sherry seems to be having a good time too. Shsssh….don’t tell anyone, but I know a secret. A little birdie told me that Sherry never starts a new project until the one she is working on is completely finished. I want to sit next to her during our next class in the hopes that some of that discipline will rub off on me!
Rosa (I call her the trouble-maker) shows us the outside of her bag. I love the fabric she chose for this bag and look forward to seeing a finished bag during our class next week (that is if Lee Ann doesn’t kick us out because of all our giggling).
This is the start of my bag. Don’t you just love this fabric? I didn’t know how to quilt it, but after doing a few straight lines I realized these straight lines gave the appearance of rain…perfect for these umbrellas. I didn’t have enough fabric for the handles so I choose a green that I thought matched fairly well (seen on the upper left). The gold/orange flowered fabric will be the lining. I can’t wait to show you the inside of the bag as there are lots of big, deep pockets!
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Moda Bake Shop has a tutorial for an interesting triangle quilt.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Earlier this month, Cathy at Cabbage Quilts blogged about doing appliqué with scissors. She talked about how she cannot draw, which made it difficult to design her own quilts. So, she decided to skip the drawing part and just use her scissors to cut shapes then appliqué them to a background to make a quilt. She said she found this method of cutting a little bit wonky, freeing and fun. Wow, this sounded like my kind of thing! So I set out to make a wallhanging like Cathy did. Above is the result of my first try.
I had written Cathy and told her how much I liked her wallhangings and that I was going to try to copy what she had done. She wrote a nice note back that I should go for it. Above is a close-up of my flowers. I wish I had looked closer at how Cathy had quilted her flowers when I was doing mine. I like how her quilting gives her flowers depth.
I have a special place in mind for this wallhanging or else I might have made it a little longer. I hope I have encouraged you, as Cathy did me, to try your hand at doing some improve designing and quilting. As Cathy said, it is freeing and fun.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: If improve or applique isn't your thing, you might like this tutorial that Thread Bias has for a lovely modern crossroads block.
PS: I'm linking up to Confessions of A Fabric Addict today.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Friday, May 17, 2013
About two years ago Wayne Kollinger blogged about an Easy Way For You To Design A Tessellated Quilt. I tried a block or two at the time, but really wasn’t as into piecing back then. You can see my attempts here. Wayne also talked about this new block and how different it looked when it was repeated or rotated. I didn’t get it at the time, and put everything away. Out of sight, out of mind.
Now, two years later when I was cleaning my sewing room, I saw this block sketched on several small pieces of paper. When I shoved them together (see sketch at top) I came up with a block that looked like a flower and decided to give it a try, not realizing that Wayne had already shown us this block two years ago!
Sometimes I feel such a dunce, but undaunted I had to make this block. You can make it too. I used 2 ½” squares. Each square was made up of four light solid squares, two dark solid squares, and three ½ square triangles made up of the light and dark fabrics.
This is a diagram for you. Once you have four of these small blocks made, you then sew the four together to make a 12 ½” unfinished block.
Here it is, all laid out and ready to be sewn. You will notice that I cut just one piece of fabric instead of three white background squares on the outside. However, the rest is made up of the 2 1/2" squares.
Now the block is together.
Put a circle of fabric in the center and you have a big flower. I can just see a multitude of these blocks spreading across a bed, can’t you? Give it a try.
Wayne is always doing interesting things. The other day he paired the blocks Shoo Fly and Rolling Stone. Or check out this one.
Wayne, thanks for your very interesting blog and challenging us to stretch our skills.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Bloomin Workshop has a tutorial for a random Sampler Gal Wagon Wheel.
PS: I'm linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict today. Check it out.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Now, two years later when I was cleaning my sewing room, I saw this block sketched on several small pieces of paper. When I shoved them together (see sketch at top) I came up with a block that looked like a flower and decided to give it a try, not realizing that Wayne had already shown us this block two years ago!
This is a diagram for you. Once you have four of these small blocks made, you then sew the four together to make a 12 ½” unfinished block.
Now the block is together.
Put a circle of fabric in the center and you have a big flower. I can just see a multitude of these blocks spreading across a bed, can’t you? Give it a try.
Wayne is always doing interesting things. The other day he paired the blocks Shoo Fly and Rolling Stone. Or check out this one.
Wayne, thanks for your very interesting blog and challenging us to stretch our skills.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Bloomin Workshop has a tutorial for a random Sampler Gal Wagon Wheel.
PS: I'm linking up to Confessions of a Fabric Addict today. Check it out.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Some time ago I came across a blog that I had to link to because I wanted you to see something special at Buttons and Paint. There you could see a Storage Monster. This is a little secret storage unit that you can make for your child to store his/her secret stuff. I fell in love with this cute monster and had to make one for my great grandchild.
So I searched for an empty container and finally selected an empty plastic container that formerly held Citrucel. I chose this over an oatmeal box because I thought it would be sturdier. (He is four years old and a boy...need I say more!)
Then I went on a search for this fabric that looked all loopy and hairy and cute like the one that Buttons and Paint used. I found a car wash mitt that fit perfectly onto the plastic container. I then sewed on felt ears and tongue and added some orange yarn for the hair.
I found some wiggly eyes which were a bear to attach, but I did it. Then I unscrewed the lid and placed candy, pennies, and a small truck inside the “secret hiding place.” I screwed the lid back on and when I saw my great grandson last week, I shook the container a bit when I gave it to him. He was thrilled. I’m not sure the four-year-old quite understood the concept of secret, but he sure had fun with it.
Buttons and Paint has lots of cute other ideas for you to make, so be sure and check them out. This seems to be a blog with many authors, so thanks all of you for this darling idea.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Samelia’s Mum has a wonderful tutorial for a step-in-time quilt. I love this quilt and think all you scrappy quilters will too. Check it out.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
So I searched for an empty container and finally selected an empty plastic container that formerly held Citrucel. I chose this over an oatmeal box because I thought it would be sturdier. (He is four years old and a boy...need I say more!)
Then I went on a search for this fabric that looked all loopy and hairy and cute like the one that Buttons and Paint used. I found a car wash mitt that fit perfectly onto the plastic container. I then sewed on felt ears and tongue and added some orange yarn for the hair.
I found some wiggly eyes which were a bear to attach, but I did it. Then I unscrewed the lid and placed candy, pennies, and a small truck inside the “secret hiding place.” I screwed the lid back on and when I saw my great grandson last week, I shook the container a bit when I gave it to him. He was thrilled. I’m not sure the four-year-old quite understood the concept of secret, but he sure had fun with it.
Buttons and Paint has lots of cute other ideas for you to make, so be sure and check them out. This seems to be a blog with many authors, so thanks all of you for this darling idea.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Samelia’s Mum has a wonderful tutorial for a step-in-time quilt. I love this quilt and think all you scrappy quilters will too. Check it out.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
This is rather a random post today. First of all I want to show you this cute block. It is the Attic Window Quilt Shop’s block for the Quilters Road Trip which is being held during the months of April, May, and June. Twelve area shops are participating. You get a chance to win a $25 gift certificate each month at each shop. Also available will be new projects, patterns and giveaways. You can get your Passport at the Shop for only $5.
New at the shop is Seam-Fix. This is not just another seam ripper, but a very useful tool that saves you scads of time plucking out all those little bits of thread after you have ripped a seam. You can watch this tool in action by watching this video here. Remember to pick one up the next time you are in the Shop.
Check out this cute little quilt. A new teacher will be teaching you how to make this quilt in a class called Scrap Therapy on Friday, May 24th. From the title I bet the teacher will also be discussing scraps – how to use them, organize them, and make better use of your scraps. Call the Shop to register and for further details.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: House of A La Mode has a tutorial for a cute mug rug.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
New at the shop is Seam-Fix. This is not just another seam ripper, but a very useful tool that saves you scads of time plucking out all those little bits of thread after you have ripped a seam. You can watch this tool in action by watching this video here. Remember to pick one up the next time you are in the Shop.
Check out this cute little quilt. A new teacher will be teaching you how to make this quilt in a class called Scrap Therapy on Friday, May 24th. From the title I bet the teacher will also be discussing scraps – how to use them, organize them, and make better use of your scraps. Call the Shop to register and for further details.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: House of A La Mode has a tutorial for a cute mug rug.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
I have more to show you from the Happy Scrapper’s meeting held recently at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. I held this back for a post all its own. Above, Judy F. shows us her Palais Royal set that she made! You won’t believe all that is in this darling sewing set. Judy said she used silk threads to do the cross stitch and some surface area embroidery.
Just look at these beautiful items! They are awesome!
Judy said that she took a class to learn how to make these.
I can’t get over the intricacy of these delicate items.
I just can’t thank Judy enough for bringing in these precious items to show us. Her work is stunning!
I forgot to show you yesterday…this is the ruler that Yvonne used to make the pillow I showed you yesterday. Of course, the Attic Window Quilt Shop has this Circle Savvy Ruler by Creative Grids.
Judy also went to Quilt Camp with Janalee. Yesterday Janalee showed us what she did while there. Today Judy wants to tell us what she learned while there. Judy asked if we were like her in that when we got a new ruler, we tossed the instructions in a drawer and later when it came time to use it again, you couldn’t find them. TIP: She said that when you purchase a new ruler (like the Circle Savvy Ruler for instance) you should use a binder clip to attached the instructions to the ruler when you are not using it. That way, you’ll always know where they are!
We are collecting Converging Corners blocks for a charity quilt. Above is the block that Adrienne made.
This is the block that Yvonne made. I think all these blocks will make a wonderful quilt. Anyone is free to donate a 12 1/2" block. You can bring it to our next Happy Scrapper’s meeting in June, or you can drop it off at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. There is no time limit. I will put the quilt together once I get enough blocks.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Samelia’s Mum has a tutorial for Fresh Diamonds, an easy quilt.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Just look at these beautiful items! They are awesome!
Judy said that she took a class to learn how to make these.
I can’t get over the intricacy of these delicate items.
I just can’t thank Judy enough for bringing in these precious items to show us. Her work is stunning!
I forgot to show you yesterday…this is the ruler that Yvonne used to make the pillow I showed you yesterday. Of course, the Attic Window Quilt Shop has this Circle Savvy Ruler by Creative Grids.
Judy also went to Quilt Camp with Janalee. Yesterday Janalee showed us what she did while there. Today Judy wants to tell us what she learned while there. Judy asked if we were like her in that when we got a new ruler, we tossed the instructions in a drawer and later when it came time to use it again, you couldn’t find them. TIP: She said that when you purchase a new ruler (like the Circle Savvy Ruler for instance) you should use a binder clip to attached the instructions to the ruler when you are not using it. That way, you’ll always know where they are!
We are collecting Converging Corners blocks for a charity quilt. Above is the block that Adrienne made.
This is the block that Yvonne made. I think all these blocks will make a wonderful quilt. Anyone is free to donate a 12 1/2" block. You can bring it to our next Happy Scrapper’s meeting in June, or you can drop it off at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. There is no time limit. I will put the quilt together once I get enough blocks.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Samelia’s Mum has a tutorial for Fresh Diamonds, an easy quilt.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
Monday, May 13, 2013
The Happy Scrappers met this past Saturday at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and I took lots of pictures. Above is this beautiful Ring Around the Rose pillow that Peggy made. She took a class at the shop with Sue Christafferson. I think the pattern is from the book, “Every Day Home Made.”
Above Peggy holds her 3D pillow. It is beautiful.
Yvonne also took the class and made a pillow. This pillow looks beautiful in any fabric selection.
This is a darling little pincushion that Adrienne showed us. She said a friend made it for her, using those special stitches on her machine to embellish each little square. So cute.
Janalee proudly shows us this darling little bag. She said it is the first project she has completed at Quilt Camp after going for three years. LOL
Janalee shows us the other items that were inside. So cute!
Paula showed us this charm quilt that she was making for the Neonatal clinic. Great job Paula.
Yvonne also showed us this beautiful quilt that she made for her granddaughter. She said she has been working on it since 2005. Congratulations Yvonne! You should be proud that you are getting things finished!
Adrienne was working on this quilt while we sat, sewed and visited. She said the pattern is Summer In The Park and she saw the video on how to make it at Missouri Star Quilt Company. Adrienne has a wonderful color sense. I never would have thought to use these fabrics together, but it works and I love it!
Paula also showed us this darling quilt that she finished that day. It is a Bunny Hill pattern called Baby Cakes. The gray and yellow colors were almost too soft for the camera to pick up!
Karen stopped by to show us her completed quilt of the Snowmen BOM that the shop held. I think this is the final month for it.
Here is a close up of this month’s block. This quilt is going to be so cute. Karen said she had some special beads that she was going to use for the eyes, after she has it quilted.
I have a few other things to show you too, but I think that is enough for today. More to come tomorrow. This is such a special group of women who not only are fun to be with, but sure are a productive and creative group. I love them!
ON ANOTHER NOTE: The Cute Life Smiles has a nice tutorial for an improve herringbone block. I love this block and would like to make it up using scraps.
Until next time,
Stay Calm! Stay Kind! Stay Positive!
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Attic Window Teachers
Attic Window Teachers
Quilting for Kids With Cancer

Generosity has no bounds. Above are the women in the Quilts For Kids group at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. Left to right, Henrietta, Phyllis, Nancy, Carol, Karen. These women donate their time, fabric, money once a month to make quilts for kids who have cancer.
Quilts For Wheels

Many thanks and much appreciation goes to the women who work diligently each month to make quilts for those in wheel chairs. Kudos go to: Yvonne, Mary T., Fran, Joan, Mary Ellen, Barb, Lee Ann, Nancy, Mary.