Here it is, all finished, ready to be basted and quilted. Susan Briscoe, author of 130 Mini Quilts Blocks, was kind enough to get back to me and tell me that the problem was NOT me but that there was an error in her book. As she says, luckily the error means that the pieces were cut too large and can be easily fixed. I did just that, ripped, cut, and re-sewed while hiding in the basement yesterday trying to stay cool! Susan asks that if you ever find an error in one of her books, please let her know. I can imagine that so many people and factors are involved in getting a book printed; small errors like this can be easily overlooked. You can check out Susan's blog to see the correct instructions for making this block. Thanks you Susan for your help on this. I may become a piecer some day after all!
Be sure and check out all the fun classes coming up at the Attic Window Quilt Shop this week. I’m going through withdrawal as I haven’t been able to get up there lately. I even missed Knotty Girls Wednesday night. Besides missing all my friends, I miss seeing all the new fabrics, books and patterns arriving at the shop almost every day. If you see something special, drop me a line and let me know what I’m missing! I may have to get a sitter so I can go shopping!
I think I saw this link on the Quilting Board. Click here for a free pattern by Quilt Soup.
Stay calm! Stay kind! Stay Positive!