I recently spent an evening with the Knotty Girls and oh, they are knotty. They were working on so many wonderful projects that I wanted to share them with you. Above is a beautiful quilt that Judi Anderson is making. She said it is a Hoop Sisters quilt. This is very interesting and a new way of quilting to me. Most of it is done in the embroidery hoop on your embroidery sewing machine. It gives professional looking results.

This is a close up of Judi’s quilt to give you an idea of what I’m talking about. Isn’t this beautiful?

This is a redwork that Barb David was hand quilting. I love redwork and I envy the lucky child who will be getting this.

Phyllis Dewys is working on this wall hanging called Flower Bed from Sue Spargo’s book. I think Phyllis is having fun working with these vibrant wools. It is beautiful.

Have you ever thought about dressing up your barn with a quilt block? Phyllis also paints these quilt blocks. Isn’t this fish one cute? She says that these boards have 5-6 coats of primer/paint to stand up to years of sun, rain and snow. There are over 100 patterns to choose from. For more information please call the
Attic Window Quilt Shop.
Patchwork Underground has a great tutorial for continuous prairie points. Prairie points is another way to finish off your quilt and this tutorial makes it look easy.
Until Next Time, Happy Quilting,
What beautiful quilts! I have some designs that make a quilt in the hoop but haven't tried them yet. Judi's is gorgeous. Love all the projects - that painted quilt block is so beautiful!
What amazing quilts and thanks for sharing all of it.
Wow - you hang out with some talented girls!
Queridos(as) amigos(as), estou fazendo uma Campanha de doações para o Natal das crianças necessitadas da minha comunidade carente,são crianças que não tem nada no Natal,as doações serão destinadas a compra de cestas básicas-roupas-calçados e brinquedos,se cada um de nós doar-mos um pouquinho DEUS multiplicará em muitas crianças felizes. Se voce puder arrecadar doacções pra campanha elas serão depositadas no Banco do Brasil agencia 3082-1 conta 9.799-3 ,obrigado.
Queridos (as) amigos (as) I am making a campaign donation to the Christmas of needy children in my community in need are children who have nothing at Christmas, donations will be used to purchase basic food, clothing, footwear and toys if each of us, we give God a little bit multiply in many happy children. If you can raise only keep working because pra campaign they will be deposited in the Bank of Brazil agencia 3082-1 to 9799-3, thank you
This is very cute.. what a clever idea ;)I have painted flowers on my barn.. but never thought of a quilt ;)
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