this pillow for your Adirondack chair to ease your neck while lounging in it. For this project you will need one fat quarter
(I suggest this in case you want to make your pillow bigger than what is
suggested here), Velcro (for one pillow you will need about 10 inches to be on
the safe side), about 25 inches of ribbon, and polyester fiberfill.
1. From your fabric, cut one piece 15” x 17”. Before you cut this size,
determine which way you want the pattern on the fabric to go. For
instance, my fabrics all have stripes.
The first one I made, the stripes went lengthwise. However, my son said he wanted them to
go “up and down.”
2.Fold your piece of fabric in half with long edges
together and press the fold. It
should measure 15” x 8 ½” when folded.
3. Now
refold so that right side of fabric is on the inside. Again, this should measure 15” x 8 ½” when
4. Sew along the long open the edge of folded fabric.
5. Now slide or move this tube of fabric so that the
seam line you just stitched, lines up with the fold line that you pressed.
6. Press the piece flat so that the seam is in the
middle matching that fold line. Press the center seam open. This reduces bulk during the rest of the
7. Once pressed, sew across one end to close tube. We will call this End A.
8. Sew the other end, together leaving a 4” opening. We will call this end End B. A tip I read on another blog: When making this opening, start sewing
at the corner and stop sewing at your mark indicating where to leave
open. With your needle down, turn the fabric and stitch to the outer edge of the fabric. Do the same when you
continue on the other side of your 4” mark. This makes it easier to fold after you
turn it inside out.
9. Turn right side out and press.
10. Then stitch ¼” around project. Make sure to leave the 4” opening at End
B so you can stuff the pillow.
11. Prepare
the straps. I used Velcro with a sticky
back and 1 ¼” Ribbon (wider if desired). I cut the ribbon
in two sizes (to save on having to purchase more ribbon) but you can cut the
length you want. Just make sure the
ribbon will reach and overlap when attached to the chair. For me, I cut one piece 8 ½” long and the
other 11 ½” long. I used pinking shears to cut the ribbon. Before
attaching the ribbon to the pillow, attach the Velcro. First,
place a 4” strip of Velcro on the short piece of ribbon. Center the Velcro on the ribbon and place the
Velcro about 1” from the one end that is Not
going to be sewn to the pillow. Then with
the sister piece of Velcro, center it on the longer piece of ribbon, again about
1” from the end that is not going to be sewn to pillow.

12. I
chose the stick-on Velcro because I thought it would be easier. Not sure about that because it kept gumming
up my needle, consequently I just sewed the ends of the Velcro to the ribbon
rather than the length of the cut Velcro and hope it stays on.
13. Turn the other end of the ribbon under. This is
the end that you will sew to the pillow.
14. Above, you can see where I sewed one end to the
pillow, End A. Center the ribbon across the center seam. You should sew the turned under edge
down and make sure that the Velcro is facing up. (I took this picture early, before I
realized I needed to sew the Velcro 1” from the end.)
attaching the ribbon, try to stitch on the stitching line you made when sewing
the ¼” around the pillow in step 10.
16. Sew the other piece of the ribbon to
the opening of the pillow, End B. Center the ribbon on the center seam so it will match up with the ribbon you sewed to End A. Be careful to stitch to only one side of the opening and make sure that this
part of the Velcro faces down so the two pieces of Velcroed Ribbon will hook. Do this before
you do any stuffing. (I know the picture shows the stuffing but I forgot
to take the picture in time.)
17. Then the fun begins. You stuff the pillow as tightly as you can
with the polyester fiberfill.
18. After the pillow is stuffed, pin it securely and using your zipper foot sew the opening closed. Try to start and finish where previous outside stitching was made.
Here is the finished pillow from the back.
And here is the finished pillow from the front.
PS: I'm not used to writing a tutorial so, if you have questions please let me know.
Caring, Sharing, Creating Smiles