The Happy Scrappers met at the Attic Window Quilt Shop on Wednesday and had a great time sewing and socializing. Above Adrienne works on her scrap quilt.
Look what she is doing with her scraps. This is going to be a wonderful quilt! And just think, it's all made with scraps, those things some people throw away!
Mark your calendar NOW for a fun scrappy event that will take place at the Attic Window Quilt Shop on Saturday, July 27. Start saving your scraps now! You won't want to miss this.
Cathy showed us her latest quilt. 
And this is the back of her quilt. It is fabric (no piecing involved).
Mary stayed busy chain piecing her 30's fabrics. Look at the chain piecing that has piled up on the table as she sews. As she cleaned up to go home she made the comment, "It will probably take me 3 hours to press these."
I wonder if people really know how much time and effort and money is involved in making a quilt?
And this is what took me all day to make (of course a lot of my time is spent socializing). Above is this month's block for Pat Sloan's Out of This World Quilt. I love applique, however, I hope piecing these blocks will help me increase my piecing skills. I plan to make this a charity quilt when the BOM is complete.
- Friday & Saturday, June 14 and 15,
- 10-4 Easy Flag Wall Hanging
- Tuesday, June 18
- 10 Bee
- 2-4 Beg. Quilt
- 6-8 Emb. Bee
- Wednesday, June 19
- 2-4 Beginning Quilting
- 9:30 New Sampler
- 10-4 Poppins Bag
- 10-4 Civil War BOM & Vintage Christmas
- 11 Open Embroidery
- Thursday, June 20
- 10 Doll Bee
- 3:30 Intermediate Quilting
- 6-8 Beginning Quilting
- Friday, June 21
- Friday and Saturday, June 21 and 22
- Zippy Quilts has links to three great bag patterns and tutorials.
Caring, Sharing, Creating Smiles