The Knotty Girls Stitching Bee met last week at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. As you may remember, this is a very productive group. I will show you some of their show-N-tells today and the rest tomorrow. Above are a couple Primitive Birds that Sharri made. They are for holding your sewing equipment. Aren’t they darling?
Colleen made this lovely purse. She said it was her first time for making a purse. Didn’t she do a fantastic job?
Above is the rag quilt that Cindy made. It looks so warm and cozy and perfect for this time of year.
Cindy also made this doll quilt. I really admire how she gets all her seems to match so perfectly. Cute quilt. We'll have more pictures from this group tomorrow.
I saw this on the quilting board. It is a pattern for a stacked block. Check it out here.
Stay Positive!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I had such a surprise in the mail yesterday and had to show it to you. Em from Em Celebrates sent me this beautiful wall hanging/table topper. I love it. The colors are perfect, just to my liking, and the quilting is exquisite! Why did she send it? I'm not sure. Her enclosed card said that she was sharing some "pointy" love with me. But I suspect it is because Em is a very special woman. I can tell from her blog that she has a lot of love in her heart. Maybe she sensed my sadness when I lost my Sassy cat. Maybe it’s just her nature to give. All I know is I love her and thank her for this wonderful gift. Her enclosed card said that she did the piecing and that Green Fairy Quilts did the quilting.
Did you know that Em’s blog (it’s on my sidebar too) was listed as one of the top five blogs on the Guide To Art Schools site? This is from that site: “Quilters are amazing artists. They can spend hours upon hours dreaming, planning stitching, piecing, and finishing gorgeous quilts that will be passed on from generation to generation. Inspired by history, colors, patterns, or contemporary culture, quilters channel their creativity to create beautiful pieces of art that will be enjoyed by many for years to come.”
I know I will enjoy this beautiful quilt from Em for many years to come too. Thanks Em, dear friend.
And my gift to you today comes from Lindsay Sews. This is a great tutorial for a mini pillow that holds all your controls!
Stay Positive!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Above is a picture of the Patriots & Petticoats BOM being held at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. I mentioned it in a previous post and promised a picture. This new BOM is from Windham Fabrics featuring Daughters of the American Revolution. It uses the “Hanna Wallis” fabric collection. If you like Civil War fabrics, you’ll love this one! Maggie, class instructor, said it’s not to late to participate.
Lighthouses of Michigan Redwork BOM is also available. There is no class time. You just pick up your block each month and work on it at your leisure.
This is a close up of the Little Traverse blocks. Have you ever been there?
Ellie’s Quilt Place has the cutest cat stitcheries. You’ll love them.
Stay Positive!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Making small projects like Mug Rugs gives you the opportunity to try various methods of appliqué, piecing, stitching, free motion quilting, etc. Sometimes, the thought of tackling a large quilt and at the same time doing something new, say a new technique, is overwhelming. During the past holidays, I became addicted to making Mug Rugs. I found that they are the perfect project for trying something new and at the same time practice perfecting my binding. It takes no time to make a small rug, bind it, and sit back and admire your work. A small project like this is not likely to end up in the UFO pile, and even if it does, you haven’t invested a lot of time, effort or money. I made the above mug rug by using the fusing technique. Normally I shy away from that, as I don’t like the raw edge look; but after seeing what others have done, I decided to give it a try.
Here I used my all time favorite, freezer paper appliqué to make this mug rug. Do you see the difference? Each technique gives you an entirely different look. I suppose if I had used the same design, the looks would have been similar, but I don’t think I would have liked it as well. Nor would I have had so much fun. Trying something new gives me an energy boost.
Then I wondered how a mug rug would look in all red and used redwork for this design. This is also a great way to try a new quilting design. Notice the different quilting on these samples.
Ever wonder what to do with those “ugly” fabrics. I made this one out of what I consider “ugly” fabrics that I would never use again. I kind of like how it turned out.
I bet you all have leftover blocks. Here I took ½ of a leftover block and used it to make this mug rug. I used the other half on a placemat, which I will show you soon.There are a zillion ideas out there for designs, techniques, fabric use, etc. I saw today on someone's blog where she was using these small projects as wall hangings. They really looked cute!
Why not join the Mug Rug Club at the Attic Window Quilt Shop and have fun trying out something new while you make a mug rug, a gift for yourself or someone else. This class starts in March (both day and evening). Check the calendar or the newsletter for dates and times.
Sew Happy Me has a Love Cushion tutorial. Really cute.
Stay Positive!
Monday, February 21, 2011
I’ve been concentrating on small gift items lately. Remember the table runner in my previous post? I took a portion of that pattern and appliquéd the flower to a kitchen towel. I found another pattern of a cat and did the same thing. Don’t you think these would make cute gift items? I’m putting them in my gift basket for Christmas.
With some of the leftover fabric from that same table runner, I made a Yo-yo, and applied it to another kitchen towel. Chris showed me another way of folding fabric to make a flower, so I tried that and placed one on each side of the Yo-yo. I then appliquéd some leaves to cover those bare ends.
Then, just because I wanted to use these darling buttons on something, I attached them to the center of the flowers.
These Jennifer Jangles buttons are all made by hand and are glazed with lead free glazes. You can find them at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. I can see them on so many other items…how about a dress or jacket for your favorite granddaughter?
How about you? Are you participating in Allie’s Christmas Through The Year (see button on sidebar)? She sure has inspired me to get busy on some gifts so I won’t have that last minute panic at the end of this year.
Have you checked out all the new classes at the shop this week? Patriots BOM is new and starts this week. I’ll get a picture for you as soon as the snow stops and I am able to get out. Lee Ann has a tote bag class Wednesday and again Saturday. I really want to take one of her classes. Knotty Girls meets Wednesday night. Vickie has an “All Shook Up” class on Saturday. Her piecing class might be just what this non-piecer needs!
Lilys Quilts has a tutorial for a triple framed pinwheel. You’ll have to see this one. Really unique.
Stay Positive!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I love going into the Attic Window Quilt Shop, not only to see all the new fabrics, books, patterns, and class samples, but sometimes Chris says to me, ”How would you like to make up this pattern?” That sometimes happens when she’s been going through her things at home or when she sees a new pattern that just came into the shop and she thinks I might like it. “It looks like you,” she says. It’s usually appliqué, of course, because she knows that is so me. Recently she handed me the pattern Strictly Sunshine and suggested I make a block or two just to demonstrate how I do freezer paper appliqué. I was so excited I hurried home and made the above table runner. Isn’t it darling? I used the fabrics Happy from In The Beginning. You can find them at the shop. This simple block can easily be adapted for a pillow, throw, twin or full size quilt. I love the bright, happy colors. It was just the thing I needed to cheer me up during these dark winter days. Thank you Chris!
Quilt Patterns From Seattle has a Jelly Roll Posies pattern that is adorable and a great way to use up those scraps.
Stay Positive!
Friday, February 18, 2011
I’d like to introduce you to Marcia Pogodzinski (hereafter known as Marci P) who is a new teacher at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. Marci is skilled in many aspects of quilting, especially hand quilting! However, in this first class she will be teaching how to make various items with Yo Yo’s. You will learn how you can make fun and quick candle mats, table runners and other cute ideas made with Yo Yos. With a few tricks of the trade, this is an easy fun take-along project that travels well. You may want to go all out and make a coverlet. You’re only limited by your imagination. The class is Friday, March 4th from 10-12.
How about making some quilt blocks from the Bible? As seen on this site: “This series of Bible Quilt blocks is designed in remembrance of the women of our past who were sustained by the Bible and loved making these Biblical quilt blocks. The blocks I've chosen have a long history of being used by quilters.” Check it out here.
Stay Positive!
How about making some quilt blocks from the Bible? As seen on this site: “This series of Bible Quilt blocks is designed in remembrance of the women of our past who were sustained by the Bible and loved making these Biblical quilt blocks. The blocks I've chosen have a long history of being used by quilters.” Check it out here.
Stay Positive!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A week ago I posted about the Attic Window Quilt Shop’s Tuesday Bee meeting a challenge from another Bee. I posted a picture of the cute, fun aprons they made. You can see them here. I want to apologize because it was Jane Becker and not June as I stated who made the aprons. Jane not only made the aprons but she also made a couple toilet seat covers. I love the one above.
This is the other one Jane made. What a great imagination she has and such talent. Thank you Jane and Tuesday Bee for sharing with us. What a fun group!
Bolt Neighborhood has an interesting tutorial on how to make square mitts. Check it out.♥
Stay Positive!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Last week when a co-worker asked me how I did appliqué, I was delighted. Misti, is new to quilting. I’ve been trying to help her when I can and she’s really done quite well on her own, finishing several quilts. When she asked me about appliqué, I insisted that I show her my freezer paper method. Above she is taking copious notes. (Please ignore messy background. We are creating! ;o)
Here, she is cutting out the freezer paper pieces. (For full instructions on my method of appliqué, click on the Witch’s Feet on the side bar).
Here Misti is pulling the fabric around the template. Note the old ice pick she is using. When I first started doing this method of appliqué, I didn’t have a stiletto and used what I had. Since then, I’ve continued to use this antique. I think it has a certain appeal (well, maybe just a conversation piece).
Here she is practicing pulling the starched fabric around the template and ironing at the same time.
I’m sorry that the above picture is a little blurry. After Misti took the freezer paper templates away from the fabric, she then pinned her fabric pieces to the background and applied small dots of Roxanne’s glue.
This is her completed block. Notice: no pins and the block is ready to sew. I like this method for a couple reasons. I know exactly what my piece will look like before I ever take that first stitch. Also, once I get my blocks to this stage, I can take them anywhere to do the sewing. I think Misti did a great job, don’t you?I saw this on the Quilting Board. These instructions are part of the Alternate Finishes Series and are for various edges/bindings.
Stay Positive!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Can you believe how fast the days are rolling by? I talked about this quilt before here and here . Now I’m showing you the full, finished quilt that I made for my great grandson. I’ve had such fun making this. As I said before, the idea for the creature came from something I saw on Gapingvoid. I love his quirky drawings.
My great grandson definitely is my everything! I thought the scrappy look helped the “creature” stand out. Also, I figured that if I used scraps, there would not be any concern about how this quilt would be used or abused. It is meant to be enjoyed, and who cares if something is spilled on a scrap? Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day.
A Valentine's gift for you: WAIT! Before you go to Thrifty Ideas Today you should get a cup of coffee/tea and plan on spending some time at this site. There are lots of good things to see!
PS: Thanks to everyone for the well wishes on the loss of my beloved Sassy. She meant the world to me and I will miss her terribly. In fact, I'm surprised at how weepy I've been these past few days. Your well wishes have helped me get through this. Quilters are the best!
Stay Positive!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
I’m sure everyone will think I’m crazy, but I am going to miss my cat. We had to have her put down yesterday. Sassy was my friend who kept me company when I sewed. She loved to hang over the back of the couch and watch us move about the house. She made us laugh and I know Mom is missing her too. Sassy was a good cat who never climbed on the counter or the tables (probably because her butt was so big she couldn't get it up there) and would always ask before hopping into my lap. She was eleven years old. It’s part of life, but still hurts.
On a positive note, you might like this. While visiting Pleasant Home I found a link to this darling mug rug. You still have time to make it for Valentine’s Day.
Stay Positive!
Stay Positive!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I have to show you what I’ve been up to lately. I finished this table topper. You can see it and purchase the fabrics at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. There is no pattern, as it was one of those things that you make up as you go along, but maybe some day when I get my act together I’ll put together a tutorial if anyone is interested. When I first started quilting, I fell in love with the soft pastel colors of the 30’s fabrics. I don’t know what happened, but over the years my tastes have changed. I know these bright colors are not to everyone’s liking, but I love them. I think I’m a gypsy at heart.
This is a close up. I started out making the French knots in the center to hide my poor quilting; however, I soon tired of that and gave up trying to make enough knots to cover my mistake.I did some embellishing too. I thought maybe the black thread would tone things down a bit and bring out the black in the binding.
For those in the area, the new Attic Window Newsletter is now available on the sidebar. Check it out.
This is interesting. With Heart and Hands has a recipe for a Cellulite Coffee Scrub.
I saw this on the Quilting Board. These instructions are for making a carrier for your rotary mat and rulers.
Stay Positive!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
It is my understanding that another Bee gave the Tuesday Bee at the Attic Window Quilt Shop a challenge. June Jane Becker took up the challenge, made these aprons, and asked others in the Tuesday Bee to model them. Above Gerri, Jeanne, and Judy volunteered to model. (Click on picture to get a closer view.) It looks like June Jane used an old pair of blue jeans to make Gerri’s apron and she added lots of embellishment. Lord only knows what June Jane used to make Jeanne’s apron. Jeanne tells me that the base was an old bikini cut in half. It looks like June Jane used a lot of her husband’s old ties to make the apron that Judy is modeling. What a clever and talented woman that June Jane is! It looks like the Tuesday Bee has a good time. What a hoot! Wish I had been there. Thanks gals for sharing this fantastic picture!
A Quilting Life has a modern valentine table runner tutorial. Check it out.
Stay Positive!
A Quilting Life has a modern valentine table runner tutorial. Check it out.
Stay Positive!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Heart of Winter Tour, Saturday, February 12. Above is the Attic Window's Heart of Winter Tour Quilt sample. Isn't it lovely? It's not even in my colors and I just love it. Each participant who goes on the tour will receive a free pattern at one of the participating shops so, at the end of the tour you will have the complete pattern for this quilt. Fabric kits using the Kansas Troubles fabrics by Moda are also available for purchase. There are still seats available. Come join us this Saturday, February 12. No need to worry about the weather or road conditions. Just sit back and ride in a warm, comfortable bus. A bus will pick you up at the Attic Window Quilt Shop, then take you to Around the Block in Portland. From there you will go to Quilts Plus in Kalamazoo, where you will enjoy lunch, and then on to Quilted Memories in Montague, then back to the Attic Window. The hours are approximately 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. For the price of $40 you will ride in luxury while you talk to your quilting friends, receive lunch, free patterns for the above winter project, and watch demos at each store. This is a fun trip and will help you get rid of those mid winter blues. Besides, who doesn’t want/need to get out of the house after that snowstorm? Call the Attic Window for reservations.
Saturday was First Saturday Bee and Judi shared her latest finish. She made it from the pattern I blogged about here. She said it was quick and easy. I love the modern feel to it.
I hope I haven’t shown you this before. It seems so appropriate for this time of year. Check out this PDF file for a Cute As A Button Quilt.
Allie-Oops Sweet Happy Life has a tutorial for a darling Castle Doors Needle book. Check out her Christmas Through the Year project too. You can participate any time you wish.♥
Stay Positive!
Heart of Winter Tour,
student projects
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Julie’s Doll Class was in session Thursday when I visited the Attic Window Quilt Shop. Above some of the women are hard at work on their dolls. It always amazes me how they make these small dolls look so awesome.
This doll is getting her back stitched. I admire the patience these women have in creating something so small and so beautiful.
This is a doll’s hatbox. Isn't it cute? I never had anything like this for my dolls when I was a child.
This doll is staying put in her little coffee mug while the creator continues making her parts.
These dolls are drying. They look like they have a coat of gesso on them. If you get a chance, take one of Julie’s doll making classes. She will make you look very professional as her creations are out of this world. Watch for her next class session in an upcoming newsletter, to be out soon.
Have you visited Stash Manicure lately? Take a look here and you will notice the new banner and that one of my hearts is on it. I am so honored to have my heart chosen as part of the banner and expecially to be among such talented people. While there, scroll down to read about who is participating in the banner this month.
Speaking of Stash Manicure, Karen Maxwell has a tutorial on Stash Manicure for a dot-dot-dash quilt. See it here.
A special thank you to all who responded to the post about what inspires you. I’m sure Wayne will be able to use some of your ideas for that new book he is writing.
Stay Positive!
This doll is getting her back stitched. I admire the patience these women have in creating something so small and so beautiful.
This is a doll’s hatbox. Isn't it cute? I never had anything like this for my dolls when I was a child.
This doll is staying put in her little coffee mug while the creator continues making her parts.
These dolls are drying. They look like they have a coat of gesso on them. If you get a chance, take one of Julie’s doll making classes. She will make you look very professional as her creations are out of this world. Watch for her next class session in an upcoming newsletter, to be out soon.
Have you visited Stash Manicure lately? Take a look here and you will notice the new banner and that one of my hearts is on it. I am so honored to have my heart chosen as part of the banner and expecially to be among such talented people. While there, scroll down to read about who is participating in the banner this month.
Speaking of Stash Manicure, Karen Maxwell has a tutorial on Stash Manicure for a dot-dot-dash quilt. See it here.
A special thank you to all who responded to the post about what inspires you. I’m sure Wayne will be able to use some of your ideas for that new book he is writing.
Stay Positive!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
When Wayne Kollinger asked me the above question, I didn’t have to think long. There are numerous examples. Other blogs. Books. Signs. My great grandson. I could go on and on as I’m always looking for something new and different to quilt, which is probably the reason I have so many UFOs. There is always something to inspire me to start a new project.
I’ve been a sewer since I was a child, but was inspired to start quilting about 10 years ago for two reasons: 1. I needed to keep my hands busy so I wouldn’t eat cookies from the time I got home from work until I went to bed. 2. I knew I would be retiring before too long and I needed a hobby and a place to meet new friends.
I attended classes at my local quilt shop and tried piecing the traditional blocks. However, after going to my first quilt show and seeing appliqué, I was inspired to try my hand at that. I didn’t take pictures of my early attempts at traditional blocks, which was probably for the better as I never quite managed to cut anything straight or sew a straight line. With appliqué, I found my home. Pictured above is Wooly Flower Sampler by Starry Pines Pattern Co. I don’t care for wool, so I did it all in cottons.
After years of appliqué and still making feeble attempts at piecing, I continued to search for something new. Mary Lou Weidman came to Grand Rapids and I took a couple classes from her. She inspired me to cut loose and do some free piecing. She also inspired me to work with bold colors and put them together in unique ways. She is certainly my inspiration. I love her work and hope to add these pieces above to my story quilt.
I love looking at blogs and seeing what others do. I should be called the Copyblogger (ooops, that name is already taken) because I’m pretty good at copying what others do. I made this small quilt when I was inspired by Carol at Mamacjt’s blog. I blogged about it here.
I must be a visual person because it is the things I see that inspire me. I love going into a quilt shop and seeing new samples. I find if I just look around with open eyes, there are a zillion things to inspire me. I am inspired by Wayne Kollinger's Sketch Book because he shows me that you can do different things with a traditional quilt block. I love the way he works with the Fibonacci sequence to create interesting Wonky blocks and borders.
How about you? What inspires you to start a quilt? Please leave a comment below. Or if you'd rather write in your blog, email me at and I'll link to it; and email Wayne at so he can link to your blog too.
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Attic Window Teachers
Attic Window Teachers
Quilting for Kids With Cancer

Generosity has no bounds. Above are the women in the Quilts For Kids group at the Attic Window Quilt Shop. Left to right, Henrietta, Phyllis, Nancy, Carol, Karen. These women donate their time, fabric, money once a month to make quilts for kids who have cancer.
Quilts For Wheels

Many thanks and much appreciation goes to the women who work diligently each month to make quilts for those in wheel chairs. Kudos go to: Yvonne, Mary T., Fran, Joan, Mary Ellen, Barb, Lee Ann, Nancy, Mary.